chapter 1

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Ahh.... Wincing in pain she says. Where am I ? She asks herself.

She look around and found herself in the cold floor of a dark damp room tied to a tiny small window with iron bars. Which seems to be the only source of light here.

She can hear two people whispering among themselves outside the door.

Person 1: Why is she here again?

Person 2: Doctor put her here, she was again acting crazy and breaking stuffs.

Person 1: Why did she do that poor miss. T

Person 2: She was so perfect , I don't know what happened.


Who are these people whispering outside. What is this place.
Ahh .. My head. Why can't I remember anything.
Suddenly the door opens a middle aged man and woman who are impeccably dressed came forward.
Woman : My baby how are you ?
Luna : Who are you , where am I and why have you tied me like this .
Man: Sweetheart we are your parents, your mom and dad don't you recognise us? He ask worried.
Luna: No I don't know who you are.
If you are my mom and dad why did you tie me like this.
Man: The doctor tied you because you were trying to harm yourself.
Luna: What doctor? This doesn't look like a hospital it looks like a basement. Which kind of hospital ties their patients in a basement with chains. And why should I be in a hospital in the first place?
Woman : Baby... you met with an accident a few months ago. We thou.... We thought we lost you. She says while crying uncontrollably and turns her head toward her husband who patted her back to console her.
Man: It's okay honey, our child is alright. Look she is awake .
Woman: But she doesn't remember us, we should have given her more time but we were always so busy with work that we never thought about our little girl and now see what we have done , she can't even remember us now.  She said barely above a whisper.
Man: No no it's not like that. It must be because of her accident , give her some time she will surely remember us don't blame yourself. 
Luna observed everything and tried to remember them. They don't look like they are lying but then why can't she remember anything about them. All she remembers at this point is her name Luna. Other than that she can't remember anything no matter how hard she tried.
Luna: It still doesn't explain why am I tied with chains in a basement.
"I'll explain that ". Says a man , by the white lab coat he is wearing and the stethoscope around his neck it is clear that he is a doctor.
"Hello I am Dr. Robert Fernandes, he introduced himself,
You are under my observation. When your parents brought you here we really didn't expect you to make it. Me and my team tried our best and miraculously you were saved. But you went into coma .
Last week you came out of coma but when we tried to go near you to check your vitals , you started to throw things at us and screamed. It seemed like you were scared of everyone. Every time you had an episode you would faint but then you started to harm yourself whenever you woke up. We recommended to shift you in a psychiatric hospital where you could be helped but Mr. Mandes  insisted to keep you here . So we had to put you here so that neither you nor the other patients will be disturbed. 
Mr. Mandes believed you will recover and looks like you are much more stable now. He finished with a professional smile.
Luna:  Mr. Mandes
Dad:  Malcom Mandes , he is your fiancé .
We all lost hope in you but he never did. He came here everyday and spent time with you though you were in coma .
He has proven his love for you in these six months.
Luna: I have a fiancé? She asked more to herself.
Dr. Robert: Let me run a few test on you and if everything is clear you can go home.
Mom: Baby, the report is clear and doctor has discharged you from the hospital. We can finally go home.

Rebeca , Teressa help Tiara to get ready. She said to two  girls waiting outside the door. They look like they are in their early twenties .
They must be the ones who were whispering earlier outside.
The girls came inside in typical maid outfit black shirt, black skirt and a white apron . They look like maid character from some anime movie.

As soon as my supposed mother went out , the girls came running to me with tears in their eyes

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As soon as my supposed mother went out , the girls came running to me with tears in their eyes .
"Oh thank God you are awake miss. T . We really were very scared that something worst might happen to you ". They said in unison.
Luna : Why are you calling me miss T . I don't remember much but I remember my name and it's Luna.
Teressa: That's because that is your other name .
Rebeca: Tiara is the name what you are called by Sir, Madam and Malcolm sir. But in your ID cards your name is Luna Coelho.
Suddenly she remembers something "Luna Coelho, will you be my girlfriend ". A boy kneeled on one knee with a plastic ring in his hand. I promise I will give you a real ring when I start to work and earn money. She looked at the smiling face her heart filled with love for him . How can she ever forget this boy her love,  her Alex.
Suddenly her head started paining as another of her memory resurfaced.
Alex was tied with chains his eyes full of tears his mouth is gagged and tapped  . No sound can come through it but his eyes screaming pain. His eyes are fixed on his beloved.
I remember now, I remember everything.
That horrible night that took everything from me .
I remember clearly how my mom and dad were stabbed brutally right in front of my eyes. I remember those monsters who teared  my body apart and took my chastity away right in front of my beloved.
I begged them and cried so much. I begged them to leave me. But they were not human. They were animals in human body.
I saw the pain and helplessness in Alex's eyes , I saw him trying to break the chains apart and come rescue me.
But they didn't even let us scream in pain. Our mouths were filled with clothes and plastered with tapes.
Though we screamed at the top of our lungs no sound came out . I watched the four beasts ride me one by one to satisfy their hunger .
The last thing I saw was Alex's  screaming eyes.
These people that claims to be my parents are not my parents then why am I here and what do they want from me.
A faint voice brought me back to reality .
Teressa: Miss T are you alright why are you sitting on the floor holding your head, does it pain? Why are you crying?.
Luna: No , nothing I am fine it's okay.
'I have to find out the truth, I have to find Alex and for that I have to pretend I don't remember anything'. She thought to herself.

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