chapter -9

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Maria (in her late late 20's) is holding a child who is around 3 years old.

On call

Maria:   Jacob where are you? I told you Tia is sick , I have to go meet with my client . I missed it last time as well I cannot afford to miss it again.

Jacob: You do realise it takes quite some time to reach don't you? Not only your work but mine is important as well.
Moreover it was your decision to live so far away in that village when all your clients and your office is here in this city.

Maria: It was for Tia that I decided to live here. You know very well she doesn't keep fit in the city because of pollution.

Jacob arrives

Maria: here take her, I gave her all the medicines she needs for now. In every three hour she needs nebulizer. Grace can help you with everything apart from that . Just make sure to keep an eye on Tia.

Jacob: When Grace can take care of her shouldn't you have taught her about the rest as well . Did you really have to call me?

Maria: How can I leave Tia alone with Grace . She doesn't even know where to take her if she is sick.

Jacob: Well then you should teach her. Infact you should have taught her about this by now. Look , I'll give you a month. Within that time train Grace how to take care of the child properly, show her the emergency places and contact details and anything else she may need. I'll appoint a chef and watchman in addition to the caretaker.

Look I know you love our daughter, I do too . But we cannot leave our work and stay here . We have to work hard to give our daughter a secure and good future. If you want you can stay here I'll go alone,the decision is yours.

Maria: I understand, please give me two months I'll make sure to settle everything here so we can be worry free.

Current time

Jacob: What are you thinking?

Maria: It is dawn but why is she still not  awake? The doctor said she will wake up soon . Then why..
Jacob: She is just sleeping. Don't worry. Doctor said there's nothing to worry about.  Let her rest.
How about you? You don't look so good yourself.

Maria: Jacob....
I found Martha's picture from Tia's belongings .

Jacob: Martha? But how?

Maria: I have no idea. Where did she get her picture from?
She was even calling her her mom. I am scared Jacob, I don't want to loose my baby again. What if she decides to leave us? What will we do then?

Jacob hugs his wife. Kissing her forehead he assures her nothing bad is going to happen.

Mandes Estate
Malcolm is sitting at his breakfast table and talking to his household employees

Malcolm:  Did you order the flowers I told.

Maid: Yes sir,

Malcolm: And who was incharge for the garden?

Gardner: Me sir, the garden is ready.  Would you like to take a look? You can also let me know if you need any changes.

Malcolm: Okay.

Malcolm is taking a stroll in the garden his lips smiling.

' Tia loves gardens. Last time when she came she spent most of her time here.
Especially the hidden white rose garden, she spent hours standing on the bridge overlooking the garden.

It was my mom's favourite place . I remember this was the only place where she felt at peace. When her body was weak she couldn't walk or stand so I used to bring her here in wheel chair.

I remember when I was young no matter how late dar came back home, we would always come for a stroll in our garden back in Pacheco village. And when we came to Panaji dad still made sure to spend quality time with us while taking stroll at night.

I want us to be like them. My father changed his everything to be happy with mom. I never thought I would get someone like that , for whom I would willingly change all about myself if that ensures a happy life with my Love. I never thought I would want to be like my dad and leave everything to live a new life. Dad left his old job , his circle and even the place he lived in. Because he got everything he ever wanted in mom and he doesn't regret anything.

When my mom left us I was so heartbroken, I was so angry with her for dying on us. So I made mistakes stupid , stupid mistakes. I thought what is the point of  being a  good person, When I lost my most beloved person in this world? For whom shall I be good ? when she is not here to pat my back when I do something good , or what is the point in all this when I can't see her smiling face ever again?
I never thought I would get another person whom I would genuinely love. A person for whom I would want to be good. That was until I met Tia. I would change not only myself but the whole world for her sake.
And Tia, if anyone tries to take you away from me I will change their whole world too.
I will not let you die like my mother and if you do I won't waste a moment to follow you. The marriage vows says *till death do us apart* but I say even death cannot do us apart'.

Phone rings

William (secretary): Goodmorning sir! I have sent you the schedule for today, can you please check it and let me know if I need to change any....

Malcolm: let me check

The morning meeting with team-A  reschedule it after lunch. Apart from that everything is fine.

William: okay sir. Uh...

Malcolm: Anything else?

William: Yes sir Bosco said he won't remove his resort.

Malcolm: Who?

William: Bosco, the owner of the resort of the new spot where we are planning to make our port of call.

Malcolm: Then just offer them more money.

William: They won't receive any,

Malcolm: William, how many years have you been working for me?

William: 7 years sir.

Malcolm: Then I suppose you know how to take care of these situations. If a thorn gets stuck to your feet, just toss it out and walk again. Don't waste my time for these trivial things. Call Victor and tell him to take care of it.

Coelho Mansion

Luna woke up from her sleep. She opened her eyes. As if the simple ceiling design has turned into a very complex puzzle, she looks at it intensly . The conversation from last night kept playing in her mind like a tape recorder. It reminds itself as soon as it ends. She lost all the hope he had and her eyes have turned dim .

Maria looks at her and noticed that she is awake.

Maria calls her .
"How are you feeling?"

Luna does not reply . She is lying down while still looking at the ceiling.

The doctor came to examine her . "She is fine" he said.

Luna could hear Maria interrogating the doctor while Jacob is trying to keep her calm so she will not scare the doctor away.
Suddenly Jacob's cell phone started ringing.

Lazarus: Good morning Oldman!

Jacob: Good morning.

Lazarus: Is everything fine ? Your voice doesnt sound very lively.

Jacob:  No I am good. It's just the change of weather.

Lazarus: Oh I see! So how is my daughter? Did she decide anything yet? Malcolm has made himself busy in preparation. So I wanted to know what Tiara thinks.

Jacob: About that actually Tia...

Luna: I will go. Please tell the twins to help me get ready.

Jacob covered the phone with his hand and asked Luna " are you sure? You can cancel if you want."

Luna: I am sure .

Jacob: okay.

He removed his hand from the phone and said " she will come. I will bring her there in an hour or two.

Lazarus: Excellent! I'll give the good news to Malcolm. See you later.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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