Chapter 2: Decisions

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Amelia, Derek's Sisters POV

It was another long night at the hospital. There were not many patients. It was pretty quiet. Karev, Bailey, and Wilson were standing around waiting for a trauma. Nothing seemed to be happening though. There were no sudden screams, shouts for help, or gushing blood anywhere. It was too quiet. I walked over to the nurses' desk to check the chart of my current patients.

"Do you need any help?" I heard a sudden voice.

I turned around not knowing whose voice it was. It was Owen.

"What?" I got lost in thought.

"Do you want help with your charts." He replied.

"No, no I got it." I finished my charts and walked over to see if there was any trauma's coming.


After standing around for hours finally rolled in a trauma. Karev and Wilson tied each other's trauma gowns and headed out the E.R. doors. The paramedic got out of the ambulance holding the side of the gurney while rolling it into the E.R.

"19 year old female, drove into lamp pole on the side of the street, pregnant, possibly drunk, baby in critical condition, she is currently unconscious." He gave us the details of our first patient of the night.

"Get her to the room next to that one over there." I pointed.

"Amelia, details please. We don't have time for this." Owen raised his voice.

I hesitated to speak, "Trauma room 2."

Owen grabbed the chart from Dr. Wilson and started to read it through. I walked by him and grabbed it out of his hands before he read too much.

"I got this. I don't need your help on everything Dr. Hunt." I snapped walking towards the patient.

"Mrs. Garcia can you hear me?" I asked checking her vitals and making sure her pupils weren't blown.

No response.

The young adult started to seize on the table. I looked around the room looking for Derek. I sat on the patient trying to hold her down to stop some of the seizing. Something seemed wrong with the absence of my brother, but I brushed the feeling off my shoulder knowing I had to save this girl's life.

"Dr. Karev please go find Dr. Grey." I asked knowing that Meredith would know where Derek is.

"Meredith has not come in to work today Dr. Shepherd." Alex responded.

I checked the right pupil of her eye and saw that it was blown.

"Page Dr. Shepherd right freaking now we need to get her to the O.R. stat!" I screamed.


I went to go scrub in watching through the glass looking at the empty room. There was no patient waiting for me.

I walked out in hurry trying to find the patient I was about to operate on but was nowhere to be found. How could this happen? I was just with her 15 minutes ago.

Walking over to Dr. Karev, I exclaimed, "Where the hell is the Mrs. Garcia?"

"She coded 7 minutes ago. Called time of death 9:48 P.M." He said casually.

I stood there stunned.

"Where was I? Why wasn't I paged? For God sakes I was about to drill in her skull" I couldn't help but raise my voice.

"Dr. Hunt said that he would take over the case.... I thought he cleared that with you." Alex took another patients chart and walked away.

I was furious with Owen. He knew this was my case that I could handle it.


Another ambulance came rushing in. It was about 11 P.M now and there was still no sign of my brother. It wasn't abnormal to not hear from him but it was just strange not seeing him at all at work today.

The paramedic got out of the car and ran to open the back of the ambulance doors. As he opened the doors Meredith was sitting in the back staring at the patient, whose face I couldn't quite see.

"Meredith? What are you doing in there?" I stayed calm.

She had a plaid button down shirt on tucked in to her jeans. She also was wearing a blanket from the ambulance around her shoulders. She calmly stood up and started to follow the gurney as it was being carried out of the ambulance. As soon as the gurney was on the ground I saw the patients face. He was sleeping, so peacefully. I froze and began to stare at him. My brother was lying on the gurney looking fine.

Curious what was wrong with him I politely asked, "What happ-"

The paramedic interrupted me stating the issue.

"49 year old male, Derek Christopher Shepherd, suffered from major car accident, partial internal bleeding, was fixed at other hospital, and this is a transfer from Dillard's Medical Center." He continued.

While walking through the E.R. doors, "Currently has massive tumor on left lobe of brain. It has affected brain usage and will soon be affecting verbal use if not treated in the next 48 hours. This is all we know at the moment Dr. Shepherd."

I stopped, "Brain tumor?" I tried to stay calm.

Meredith followed and was silent, hadn't said a word since the ambulance doors opened.


Following the gurney I stopped before entering the chaos of the E.R.

I looked around at my brother, his wife, my true love, all of the dying patients, my niece and nephew, and my co-workers. People who could help me surrounded me but everything was happening so fast it was all just so sudden. Cries for help, shouts of pain, and trembles of dying people were surrounding the E.R.

It was just another night at the hospital.

Meredith walked over to me. I stood up tall and opened my mouth to start talking but she stopped me. She looked like a mess, her hair was not combed, she had major bags under her eyes, didn't look like she's eaten any time soon.

"No you don't get to talk right now Amelia. My husband, your brother has a serious tumor. It needs to be removed. And I want you to do it." She blurted, not thinking.



Hello beautiful gorgeous people :)
Its sammm :D
Hahaha cliff hanger sorry not sorry
I am although tremendously sorry for not
updating on the days that I promised I recently
got Bronchitis so im trying to recover :)
I love you all!

Follow my Greys twitter for all things Greys and for updates!


hugs and kisses,
sami :)

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