Chapter 5: Dick-tator

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I was in the kitchen when the phone rang.


"I know your secret." Freddie said on the other line. My blood turned to ice in the moment, either Brian or Roger must have leaked my secret!

"Secret? What're you on about?" I was freaking out internally, but I knew that lying won't do me any good right now.

"Brian told me you like Veronica Tetzlaff, I mean I don't really care, do what you want. But, let me tell you something about Veronica: all she cares about are school, her mum, and her friend Barbara." he warned me.

I was confused, what's so bad about that? If anything, it made Veronica sound even more perfect to me.

"Is that bad?"

"But if you like her... then go for it. I mean, I can talk to her for you if you want?" Freddie offered and I smiled.

"Really? You would do that? Nothing embarrassing though, right?" I asked, trying to temper my excitement about the offer.

"Oh not at all dahling, I know EXACTLY how to play it," he said suavely and I smiled. I didn't think that Freddie would be so cool with this, not after what Brian warned me about with the bro code thing.

"But wait, aren't you SO mad at Brian for telling me?" he asked, and I had to take a moment to think about that. I was so excited about the prospect of getting with Veronica that I completely forgot about the fact that Brian leaked my secret in the first place.

"Nah, not really-"

"Because if you're mad you can tell me, it was a pretty dicky move to do," he said and I responded: "Yeah I mean it's a little dicky, but I'm not mad, maybe he just likes the scoop."

"See Brian? Told you he won't be mad at you!" Freddie called out. I froze, I had no idea that Brian would be on the other line.

"I can't believe you said I was dicky, Deaky!" I heard Brian exclaim before he hung up.

"Ok see you tomorrow, my dahlings!" Freddie cheered happily and then hung up. I gasped and then put the phone down.

I survived my first three-way calling attack, and with Freddie's blessing, I started talking to Veronica more and more. On October 3rd she asked me what the date was.

"It's October 3rd," I replied dreamily. She thanked me, turning back to face the board, but not before flashing me with yet another one of her sweet smiles.

Two weeks later, we talked again.

"It's raining," she pointed out, gesturing to the huge windows behind me. I smile back and replied: "Yeah."

But I wanted things to speed up a bit. We had the projector on minutes later, so I opted to follow my instincts. I tapped Veronica on the shoulder and she turned around.

"Hey, I'm a bit lost, can you please give me a hand?" I asked. She nodded.

But I wasn't lost at all, I knew what Mr Kane was talking about.

"It's a factorial, where you multiply each one by n, and I think it's the summation." she attempted to explain, though she was getting most of it wrong. But I let her have it, to let her feel superior to me. I nodded.

"Thanks Veronica, I get it now."

"No problem."

Then the bell rang and the lights came on. Veronica piped up once more.

"We're having a Halloween party at my friend Barb's tonight, you wanna come?" she asked and I was stunned.

"I'd love to," I replied.

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