Chapter 14: Harmony Restored

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"You got us the leather sleeves," Cliff admired as we all put our brand new Mathlete varsity jackets on.

"Straya, you did the damn thing," Ringo told me and I smiled. "Thanks!"

Ringo then handed a jacket to Mr Kane, and he admired it. "Thanks Ringo,"

"We're gonna look like the coolest thing since sliced bread when we roll into Spring Fling," Julie mused, excited about the win.

"Oh, um I'm not going," I said and Paul looked at me shocked. "What?"

"Deaky, this is your night, don't let the haters stop you from doing your thang!" Ringo exclaimed, and I looked at him confused. "Did you just say 'thang'?"

"Oh c'mon Deaky, you don't have to punish yourself forever," Mr Kane chimed in.

"But I'm grounded."

"You're already out."

Hmm, the guy's not such a stick in the mud after all.


We entered the school gymnasium, and Ms Springfield was onstage.

"Alright, do we have all of our nominees for King and Queen on the stage?" she asked and looked at the stage. All but me were up there.

"Ok good, I just wanted to say that no matter what happens, you're all winners. And I cannot be happier that this school year is ending. But without further ado, here we go..."

I surfed through the crowd and saw both of my folks there. Why were they here? As soon I caught my mum's eye, she furiously gestured for me to get over toward her.

"Your Spring Fling Queen is Mary Austin!"

Before I could reach my parents, I heard another announcement from Ms Springfield, announcing the King.

"And your King, and the winner of 2 gift certificates to the Waffle House is... John Deacon!"

Everyone turned to me. I waded through the crowd to get to the stage. I spotted Veronica, Joni and Elton.

Ms Springfield placed the crown onto my head and I went straight to the microphone.

"Well, half the people here are mad at me, and the other half only like me because they think I pushed someone in front of a bus. So that's not great." I started, before Ms Springfield appeared next to me.

"You know, it's not exactly required of you to make a speech." she whispered into my ear.

"I'm almost done, I promise- To everybody who's feelings have been hurt by the Burn Book, I'm truly sorry. You know, I've never been to one of these before. But when I think about how many people must have wanted this, and how many people cried over it... I just think everyone looks like royalty tonight. Like, Kiki Dee, that dress is amazing. And Petula Clark, I know that hairdo must have taken hours, and you look really pretty. So why is everybody stressing over this thing? It's just plastic, I think we should just... share it. A piece for Brian May, a partial Spring Fling King. And a piece for Elton John." I broke my crown and began distributing the pieces. A flustered Ms Springfield appeared next to me and said:

"Really Deaky, most people just take the crown and go."

"And a piece for Freddie Mercury, he fractured his spine and he still looks like a rock star. And a piece for everybody else," I then flung more pieces to everyone in the crowd and Ms Springfield smiled.

"Ms Springfield can you please wrap up?" and she approached the mic.

"Have a great time everyone!"

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