Chapter 4: Guy World from the Inside

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Having lunch with the Plastics was like leaving the real world, and entering guy world. And guy world had a LOT of rules.

"You can't wear anything with stripes two days in a row, and you can only tie up your hair once a week... so I guess, you picked today," Brian explained and I shrugged. I had no time to wash my hair this morning so I yanked it back into a ponytail.

"Oh! And we only wear track pants on Fridays. Now, if you break any of these rules, you can't sit with us at lunch. Like not just you, but any of us. Ok look, if I was wearing track pants today, I'll be sitting over there with the art freaks." he continued as I glanced over at my old table where Joni was putting scrambled eggs and ham on Elton's face making a mask. I tried to control my laughter, I missed those guys.

"Oh! And we always vote if we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group." Brian added and I smiled, nodding in understanding. It was a LOT to take in, but as Joni said, it was only for a week.

"I mean, you wouldn't buy a jumpsuit before asking your friends if it looked good on you?"

"I wouldn't?"

"Right. And it's the same with girls, you might think you like someone, but you could be wrong." Brian concluded before Freddie piped up about the candy bar he was thinking of eating.

"120 calories and 48 calories from fat, what percent is that?" Freddie asked and Brian thought while I did the numbers in my head.

"48 into 120?" Brian guessed, unsure.

"I'm only eating stuff with 30 percent or less from fat," Freddie insisted before I spoke up.

"It's 40%, well 48 over 120 equals x over 100, then you cross multiply until you get the value of x." I explained like it was nothing, but Freddie and Brian just looked perplexed.

"Whatever, I'm getting cheesy chips." Freddie declared, having given up for the moment. He got up from his seat heading to the lunch line. After he was gone, Brian and Roger looked at me and smiled.

"So Deaky, any girls caught your fancy yet?" Brian asked curiously. I blushed a little just thinking of Veronica, answering:

"Well, there's this lady from my Calculus class." Roger gasped in awe.

"Is she a senior?"

"Well, her name is Veronica Tetzlaff." I said, blushing at how melodious her full name sounded rolling off my tongue.

But they both gasped and objected immediately. I was stunned, what's so bad about her?

"Oh no, you can't like Veronica Tetzlaff, that's Freddie's ex-girlfriend!" Brian exclaimed, and my face fell.

"They went out for a year." Roger chimed in, and I slouched in my seat.

"Yeah, and Freddie was devastated when she broke up with him just before Christmas last year," Brian continued.

"I thought he dumped her for Mary Austin?" Roger asked confused.

"Irregardless, ex-girlfriends are off-limits to friends, bros before hoes." Brian was basically preaching at me by now, and I didn't think that liking Veronica would be so hard.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Freddie what you said. It'll be our little secret." Brian promised. I looked to Roger who was nodding, and I figured that if Brian kept my secret safe from Freddie, I should be fine. Right?


Although I wasn't allowed to like Veronica, I was still allowed to look at her, and think about her. And talk to her...

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