Chapter 8: Veronica

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Meanwhile, I was looking for any excuse to talk to Veronica.

"Hey, I'm not that sure about this question, do you?" I asked, gesturing to my Math textbook.

Right then, Mr Kane came to my table and handed me one of my tests, of which I scored a 99 in. "Good job, Deaky!" Veronica looked at it, and thinking I was just playing around, smirked at me.

"Seems like you do get it," she teased, making a face at me. All I could do was give a weak smile, feeling deflated.

If I wanted to do this shtick, I had to really commit to it.

Mr Kane came round with our next round of tests, and slapped mine on my desk.
"Not your best," and I saw got a 74!

"Damn Straya, what happened?" Ringo asked next to me. Veronica swiveled in her seat and faced me. "How'd you do?" she asked.

"Not so great, I think I may need a tutor," I said.

"I could help you out, let's meet after school if you want," Veronica offered, and I scratched my head.

"Do you reckon Freddie would mind?"

"Of course not, you guys are friends, or maybe, we just don't tell him," she replied.


At her house, Veronica was doing her best to tutor me. Playing dumb wasn't as hard as it appeared, but I knew she was improving at my expense, especially since I pretended to be terrible at what I was doing.

"So, what did you get for this one?" I asked.

"Well, initially I got a 0, but then I checked it and got a 1," she explained.

She definitely got the first part wrong, but then she corrected herself, and now we were both on the same page.

"Me too,"


"You're a good tutor," I said, and without even realising it, we both leaned in and shared a kiss. I was spell-bound by how soft her lips felt against mine, savouring every moment of the kiss. That is, until Veronica broke the kiss, pulling back with a guilty look on her sweet face.

"I'm sorry, we shouldn't be doing this, it's not fair to Freddie."

"Why do you like him?" I asked her, bothered.

"I could ask you the same about why you're friends with him," she retorted. Before I could respond, she added.

"Everyone's got a bit of good and bad in them, it's just Freddie's not shy about his flaws." I could barely comprehend Veronica defending him.

Uh oh, word vomit. I didn't mean to, but I blurted out:

"He's cheating on you, Ronnie!"



Freddie was in his room crying, fresh out of Veronica dumping him upon the revelation of his infidelity.

"Did she say why?" Roger asked and Freddie nodded.

"Someone told her about Mary Austin," he responded.

"Who?" Brian asked, exchanging glances with me, as if to ask how did Veronica find out about the cheating.

"She said one of the girls in her ballet class." he answered before sobbing. "I gave her everything, I was half a virgin until I met her! Oh, my little dahling..."

I rolled my eyes internally. If she was really your darling, would you cheat on her?

"Want to do something fun? Want to grab a bite at Spudilike?" Roger asked, smiling.

"I can't go to Spudilike, I'm on a no-carb diet, gosh Roger you're so stupid!" Freddie yelled and left the room in a fit, with Brian trailing after him. Feeling pity for Roger, I sat next to him.

"You're not stupid, Roger." I said, trying to comfort him.

"No I am actually, Deaky," Roger lamented. "I don't think I'm passing any of my subjects."

"Well, there must be something you're good at," I tried to encourage him. He shrugged.

"I could put my whole fist in my mouth, wanna see?" he offered but I declined.


"I'm almost psychic, I have a 5th sense," he said before continuing. "My bum can always tell when it's going to rain." Roger said, caressing his arse.

"T-that's amazing!" I said, slightly confused.

"Well, it can tell when it's raining," Roger clarified, and I stared at him, even more confused.


I won't lie to you, I was quite disappointed that Veronica didn't immediately agree to any of my attempts to ask her out on a date. I mean, I knew she was grieving, but how long did she really need? Freddie had moved on, and was now publicly dating Mary Austin.

But overall, the plan wasn't going too badly, Veronica had dumped Freddie, and he was unknowingly eating 5000 calories a day. So now it was time to turn our attention to the "Army of Himbos".

"And finally, our nominees for Spring Fling King are... Freddie Mercury, Brian May, Elton John, and John Deacon!"

Elton smacked Joni in the arm when he found out that she put in votes for him. I turned to her, confused. "Joni, this wasn't part of the plan," I said and she looked at me innocently. "I didn't put you in there."

"You mean I'm really nominated?" I asked, shocked. I couldn't picture myself being nominated for anything, never mind the King of a dance.


Earlier this year Freddie had put a sparkly jumpsuit on hold for the dance, and now that it's coming up, he was trying to put it on. Being Plastic however, he needed our advice before he bought it.

"Can one of you dahlings zip me up?"

"It won't close!" Roger said, while helping Freddie.

"It's a 5!" Freddie snapped impatiently.

"It must be marked wrong," Brian suggested, running over.

"Deaky, all I have been eating are these Kalteen bars. They're rubbish!" Freddie complained, sucking in his stomach.

"No, this is how they work, first you bloat and them boom! 5 pounds gone. You're running on water at the moment, after that water's gone you'll be all muscle... It explains it on the label," I said, trying to convince him.

"You know Swedish dahling?" he asked incredulously.

"Yeah, everyone in Australia knows a little Swedish."

"Sir, do you have this suit the next size up?" Brian asked the salesman.

"Sorry, we only carry sizes 1,3,5. You could try Clarks." He sassed and left. Freddie gasped, offended.

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