Chapter 1 ~ The beginning

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Pedri and I are taking an evening walk along the beach, it is nice and quiet. The wind is blowing calmly and the sun is almost setting. Pedri has put his arms around me and we walk all the way down the beach. We do this almost every week, just a moment for the two of us. Today, Pedri and I have been together for exactly 2 years, and I still wonder how we got together. But hey, I've already found my dream man, he really is the best. We've been walking for a while, but he suddenly stops. He takes his arms off my shoulders, I turn around and see him getting on his knees. He takes a small box out of his pocket and opens it, a beautiful ring with beautiful diamonds on it. I'm actually quite shocked..

Before this new part of my life continues, let's look at the past. The real beginning of the story...


POV Yoana:

August 2021

It's a normal sunday morning in Barcelona that's what I thought, I'm at my family's house. Every week I switch, so this week I live here and the next week I'm going to Xavi. But yeah okay.

I go downstairs to eat my breakfast, my brothers and parents are already sitting on the table. Since my father anounced that he is going to leave Fc Barcelona, it's a chaos in house. No one wants to leave, we grew up here. But he already decided to go to PSG, not that he had much choice..

I pick up my fork and start eating my egg, while I'm eating my father starts talking ''Kids, tomorrow we are going to Paris.''

Mateo looks at him ''I don't wanna go! I want to stay here!''

My father walks over to him and picks him up ''Cariño we're just going to visit the city, then we're going back. Vale?'' ''Vale papa.''

He then turns to me and asks ''Do you want to come with us? Or do you just want to go to training and stay here.'' ''I'm staying here, sorry dad.'' ''no no it's okay you can decide what you want, you're old enough.'' I look at him gratefully and continue with my food.

Just as I finished eating I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, I excuse myself and answer it in my room. ''Eh Hello?'' ''Hola Yana'' Oh it's Gavi, why is he suddenly calling me. It's been 1 month since he said a word to me.

''Oh it's you, what's up?''

''Yana first I wanna say sorry, I know that I didn't talk much to you for the last few weeks but I was really focussed on my career and I miss you. Can you please forgive me?''

I was thinking for a moment, but ofc I forgive him he is one of my best friends and who can't forgive him? ''Gav ofc I forgive you, but don't you dare to do it ever again!''

''Yeah yeah I promise, but I want to ask you something.''

''Oh go on.''

''Well, my debute is on wednesday so I was thinking if you want to come watch me play and make my debute...''

''Gav you're joking right? Ofc I wanna come and watch! I would never want to miss that dumbass.''

''WOO YESS.'' screams Gavi, I laugh

''Someone is happy here haha, well see you on wednesday then.''

''Yes see ya.''

I end the call, wow Gavi is going to make his debut on wednesday. I literally can't wait! I grab my laptop and click on a random movie to watch.


''YANA THE GIRLS ARE HERE'' screams my mother, oh shit I had completely forgotten that they were coming.

''Wait I'm coming, give me a minute!''

In case you're wondering, my friends think Xavi lives here. Because I told them that I live with Xavi and that makes them think that my mother is just a cleaning lady who looks like Antonella. Bad excuse I know, but I was so little at the time and had to come up with something random. So uh yeah.

I grab my phone and run downstairs, there are 2 girls: Em and Ally. ''Hey girl you look pretty.'' says Em. ''Nah you two too.''

I have known Em since I was born, but she is my best friend and i trust her with my whole heart. Ally too, but sometimes I have a bad feeling when I'm with her. I don't know what it is, but I always just ignore it. She also plays in Barcelona, she is on the same team with me.

''Shall we go?''


We jumped in the car and start to drive to the city center, we walked and went shopping the whole day. I'm tired and my legs don't work anymore. But who oh who comes up with such a brilliant idea again? Ally, ''Shall we go to a club later on?'' ''Oh yeah that sounds great! You in Yana?''

I really don't wanna go, but I don't want to dissapoint them either ''Fine I'm in.'' ''Alright, I will pick you guys up at 21.00.'' She dropped me off and I walk into my house. I look for my mother and ask if I can go out tonight.

''Yeah that's fine, but be careful.'' ''Always mom.''

I get ready and pick out a black dress, it comes just above my knees. So it's perfect! I put a little bit of make-up on and check my phone. It's almost 21.00, the girls will be here soon.

Just that I said that, the doorbell rings. I open the door and jump in the car.

''Hey hey.'' ''Hey gurl, nice dress!'' ''Thanks! So which club are we going to?'' ''club de Yoana.'' says Ally.

Club de Yoana is ofc not the real name, but it's my favorite club and we always go there. That's why we call it ''Club de Yoana'' and yes I am 17 (almost 18) I'm not old enough to go to a nightclub, but Xavi is friends with the manager here so :)

After a drive of 10 minutes we arrived, Ally parks the car and we walk into the club. Let the party begin!

We were dancing and dancing, it's so fun! I missed this so much. ''I'm going to get a drink.'' I said to the girls, but I think they didn't hear me because of the loud music. I walk over to the bar, ''A Coke please.''

In the meantime I look around, the whole dance floor is just full of people everyone is going wild. The only one who doesn't dance is a man, who sits 1 chair away from me. He has dark brown hair and a light beard. He doesn't really look in the 30's I think that he is around 20.

''Excuse me, here is your drink.'' ''Oh yeah thank you.''

I grab my drink and want to jump of the chair, but I step wrong and fall on the ground. ''WTF DID YOU DO, MY WHOLE SHIRT AND PANTS ARE SOAKED.'' I quickly get up and look straight into the most beautiful soft dark brown eyes I've ever seen..

''Well?!'' oh oops I've been staring a little too long ''I'm so so so sorry! I will buy you new clothes or d-'' but he interrups me ''No don't just go, before you do something stupid again.'' Who does he think he is, the king?! Whatever I give him a dirty look and walk out of the club without saying anything.

I set one step outside and immediately I am shivering, why the f*ck does it have to be so cold. Now I have to wait for the taxi and oh yeah I have to text the girls.

But I still have those beautiful soft dark brown eyes stuck in my head...


Wooo the first part!

Love full of secrets //ft. Pedri GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now