Chapter 11 ~ Baking time

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Gavi and Pedri walk downstairs, "Yana, we have to go now if you still have to go to your house," says Gavi. "Gav, I think I'll stay home, I still feel a little sick. Could you please say that to Xavi?'' I can already feel Pedri's gaze burning on me, but I ignore it. "Yeah that's okay, take care!" I nod and all three walk out of the house.


Well, now I have to sit alone all day. Yeah what can I do, it's not even my own house. Sports are difficult, I don't feel like gaming and I have no one to talk to. Oh wait! I have Mikky's number, I can still remember that we handed out our numbers to each other yesterday. I look for her name in my contact list, I click on it and send a message.



Hey! It's Yana, do you maybe wanna come over? I'm bored.

Oh hey Yana! Yeah sure, can you give the address?

I don't know the address 😅 I'm at Gavi and Pedri's house.

Oohh that's okay, I know where they live. Well I will see you over 15 minutes!

Okay see you then!


I put my phone on the couch and walk with difficulty to the kitchen, I look in all the cupboards and find a half-eaten bag of chips. That's mine, I walk back to the couch and eat my chips. Not much later I hear a car pulling into the driveway, that's probably Mikky. The bell rings, I get up and walk awkwardly to the front door, I open it and see Mikky standing there with sunglasses. She looks fantastic as always, "Heyyyy." and she hugs me, "Hey Mik!" We walk to the living room. Well, that's what I try, I try to walk normally so that it doesn't look weird, but Mikky has already noticed. She always has everything figured out, ''Gurl, did you and Pedri do it?'' ''Eh yeah... but not really in a way I would have liked. He was drunk.'' ''Oh no, did you tell him?'' ''No and I don't want to do it either, I don't want him to hate me anymore.'' ''Yana you know, that the truth is better than lying. If he finds out himself, things can get even worse than if you tell him the truth.''

Mikky is right, but I just don't dare. Me and Pedri can't even have a normal conversation without insulting each other. ''You're right, but I don't know if I can.'' ''Trust me, it's the best option. But take your time, remember the world is not ending.'' ''Yes I know, thanks.''"Now let's not talk about boys, what are we going to do?" asks Mikky, "I really have no idea, that's why I asked you to come over." "Ah right, we can start baking! Let's see if they have stuff at home.'' ''OMG That's a great idea! But I don't think they have anything in the house.'' ''We'll find out soon, just stay here.'' Mikky walks to the kitchen and I hear from the living room that she is opening all the cupboards and drawers. "BINGOO." she shouts, apparently the boys have something after all.

I hear her getting things ready, I can't stop my curiosity and I walk to the kitchen. Honestly, the more I walk the more I get used to it. I walk into the large kitchen, which is actually too large for this house I think the boys hardly cook. But I see Mikky already busy getting everything ready, "So what are we going to make?" I ask, she looks up and sees me standing. She gets a smile on her face, ''COOKIES.'' she says, ''I love cookies! let's start.'' The whole cooking process went smoothly, we had a little fight with the flour. So the whole kitchen and our clothes are fully covered in it. That means cleaning up, but the cookies are in the oven! That always smells so good! It's so addictive. Me and Mikky give each other a high five, "I think it's time to clean it up now, the cookies still need to go in the oven for a while." Mikky says, "Yes, good idea, I'll grab the cleaning supplies."

I walk to the storage room and grab the vacuum cleaner, some wipes and a mop. I walk with it to the kitchen and the cleaning can begin. The whole kitchen is covered with flour, our hair is also covered in it. Half an hour later the entire kitchen looks brand new, just pretend it's like something in a movie that everything completely shines. I think we actually did it quite quickly, the cookies have been ready for 10 minutes. It's cooling down now, but god they look delicious!

I ask Mikky what time the boys will get home, "It's almost 17:00 now, I think they'll get home around 18:00." "Oh, then we have enough time, how long will you stay here?" ''I told Frenkie I'm here, so he comes with Gavi, Ferran and Pedri. So we'll stay here for diner.'' ''Ohh that's good! Shall we make pesto pasta? Gavi loves it.'' ''Omg great idea! That is delicious! We might have cleaned for nothing if we start cooking again." "Haha maybe." We find some pasta in the cupboard and half a can of pesto, which we can really use! We put on some music and the atmosphere is good. Mikky and I are really like sisters, I think Mikky is 23. So we are about 6 years apart, but she is so nice.

While we are cooking, I suddenly hear loud talking in the hallway. The boys are home, "BOYS DO YOU SMELL THAT TOO?" Ferran shouts, they all storm into the kitchen. "OMG COOKIES!" Gavi now shouts, it's chaos. All four boys rush towards the board, me and Mikky look at each other and start laughing. "Hey, leave some for us too." I say, they look at us and put the last two cookies back on the plate. They look betrayed at us with their mouths full and all walk out of the kitchen.

They really can't do anything, "they are really unbelievable, not even a hello or hi," says Mikky. "Indeed, but at least they left something for us, otherwise we would have nothing at all." I say, "You're right about that, Yana." Mikky says, laughing. The rest of the evening was really nice, we had dinner together. We had lit candles and played some games it was really cozy. The only thing that was disappointing was Pedri, he sat right in front of me. He didn't say anything to me all day and didn't even look at me. What am I doing, why do I care so much about someone who hates me. But I will never forget what happened yesterday...

Love full of secrets //ft. Pedri GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now