Yusei x reader 5 part 2

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Yusei's P.O.V
Waking up with a start, I sat up confused. I felt pain in my side and noticed bandages wrapped around me. I looked around to see if anyone was around, but I saw no one. I heard the door slightly open, revealing a scared and worried younger sister. Her eyes widened, and tears started to fall down her face.

"Yusei!" She ran over to me and jumped onto the bed and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled and hugged her back. She kept crying into my neck and whimpered.

"I'm here, Y/n. It's alright. Big brothers here." I said to her. Martha soon came in and smiled with relief. She walked over and placed her hands on her hips.

"You had Y/n all worried. After taking that nasty fall off your runner, Y/n and Crow brought you here. Y/n wouldn't sleep nor eat for that matter. I had to literally force her to eat." Martha said. I looked back at Y/n and noticed she was asleep.

"Y/n...I don't know what I am going to do with her. I don't know if it's a good idea to let her stay around me at this point." I said.

"Yusei. Y/n is a strong duellist. I can tell you because I was getting groceries when I saw Y/n duelling. She won in one turn." Martha said in amazement. My eyes widened.

"Really? I wish I could have been there." I said.

"You were resting, Yusei. And Y/n needed to get out of the house and do some exercise." Martha said. "She's one tough cookie, I can tell you that."

After a day in bed, I was able to walk around, but no duelling. Y/n was there the whole time, helping me with things I wasn't able to at that point. She is a big help and I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't there with me. She ran up to me with a toolbox. I smiled, and she handed it over to me. Blister looked up from his laptop and smiled at the sense.

"You both sure are close." Blister said. I nodded with a hum.

"Y/n's been with me ever since I was told I had a sister. She was shy at first but got used to having a big brother around. Right Y/n?" I said. Y/n smiled and grabbed a wrench.

"Haha. Must have been a shocker." Blister said.

"Yeah. Y/n was very skittish around the others, especially Kalin." I replied. Blister laughed again and continued to work on his laptop. Y/n was soon under the bike and started to repair it.

"Y/n?" I asked. She hummed and placed the wrench down. She soon came out with a big rock that just came out from under the bike. I smiled softly and got down with her. I talked her through how to repair a duel runner, which she got it first try. Y/n sat in my seat and revved her up. It didn't sound good.

"Try the accelerator. That might be the problem." Y/n suggested. I went to work on the accelerator for a few moments, and then she revved it. It sounded perfect. I looked at Y/n, and she smiled. I wasn't going to bother asking, but I could tell Y/n would just giggle and never tell me. I sat up and walked over to her. Blister came over with his laptop and started to talk to me.

Your P.O.V
I got off the duel runner and huffed. I then heard something coming from behind the runner. I slowly walked over and saw a rusty bot with lights at the side of its head. I sat down in front of it. It made a few noises and walked over to me. My eyes widened, and I started to giggle. The bot was see-through, so I was guessing that it was a spirit.

"H-hello. I'm Genex C-controller. I am one o-f your duel m-m-monsters!" The bot stuttered.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Genex. I'm Y/n Fudo." I replied. The bot made a noise of excitement. It was then spooked by a helicopter. I ran over to Yusei and held his hand. We were inside talking to someone. He had a beard and was wearing a suit and tie. Martha handed the man a cup of tea. Yusei was sitting in front of him. I sat next to Yusei. The man looked worried.

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