Omori pretty cure (they save the day)

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From 4 November 2023 i thinkkkkk

Omori was with his friends, about to go to Basil's house. But all the sudden, a block of tofu dropped from all the way up. It was from otherworld!

Knowing most of the sprout moles didn't live there, it came as a surprise to everyone that a block of tofu would suddenly just drop.

"Huh.... Thats weird" Hero said. He tried to pick up the tofu, but the moment he touched it, it started glowing.

"Oh my god-" Aubrey TRIED to say, but she was cut off as the tofu exploded everywhere and all over them.

Kel shrieked. "Ewwww!" The lukewarm tofu was all over the crew. But there was something weird where the tofu used to be, well, before it exploded....

Omori picks it up. It looks like a tiny little figurine, but it started glowing too! You could see the look of terror on everyones faces as they couldn't do anything but stare at the glowing object, afraid of what would come next.

But thankfully, nothing happened! Wait no something did happen! A pixie creature comes out from the figurine. Its bigger than the figurine so that was odd..

"No time! You all need to take these!" The pixie shouted, handing jewels to everyone.

"Uhh... may I ask what these are?" Mari said with a weirded out smile.

"That doesn't matter! Just take them! And you will need them later! Bye!" The pixie shouted, seemed like it was in a rush.

"Eeeerrrmmm... that was a little weird... lets just go to my house now..." Basil said, putting the jewel in his pocket.

So there they made their way to Basil's shoe house. Mostly kept silent during it. Everyone was too focused on their jewels.

Finally, they made it indoors. Basil did not take his photo album to the picnic that day, so it was just laying there on a shelf.

Omori, Kel, Aubrey, Mari, Basil, and Hero all sat down on the carpet. Basil took his jewel out from his pocket.

They all placed down their jewels on the carpet, and they started shimmering. Omori gulped, still covered in lukewarm tofu.

"Ok can we all agree that this tofu is really disgusting?" Mari said, she definitely looked pretty grossed out.

"Why don't we wash this off.." Hero said.

Basil led everyone outside the house, his nasty ass did not have a shower, so they have to use the moat. Everyone left their jewels behind in the house.

When nobody was in the house, the pixie spawned again. This time, without the figurine.

"Those little brats! I should have known that they dont care about becoming Precure!" The pixie scowled. With an angry face, it disappeared just in time so Omori and his friends wouldn't see.

Basil didn't seem to mind that everyone was wet and just walking into his hous like that, not like he had any towels. Basil made a foul face at the footprints left by the lukewarm tofu. Nobody seemed to like that sight.

Omori, Mari and Basil wer the lucky ones to have socks on, or Mari had shoe on. In the house you might be wondering? Well it doesn't matter since Basil's house IS a shoe. Everyone else was barefoot. Losers.

They all sat in the now cold tofu, i guess they did not feel like picking it up.

"Guys.." Kel spoke. "What even are these?"
"I dont know Kel..." Aubrey said.
"Well why dont we put them together and find out!?" Kel exclaimed


"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!?" Aubrey screamed. I dont think she was ok with it.

"Ok keep it down Aubrey! It can't be THAT bad of an idea!" Basil reassures.

OMORI GOGO PRINCESS PRETTY CUREWhere stories live. Discover now