Omori precure p2

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7 febuady 2024!!!!!!

"So uhh we got our transformation jewels and this annoying ass cat, i guess we are precure" Kel said.

"Yeah and you ar very powerful and you pritect the world!!!!" Mewo said.  "Wait a minute go kys Kel"

The 6 + Mewo were in a circle admiring their jewels, and thinking about how they were going to protect the world, and why?

"What happens if we fail and die?" Said Hero.

"Yeah but what would happen if we just gave up and ran away?" Said Mari.

"Oh don't be so rediculous! These experiments or whatever they are can kill off this world!!! You are here to stop that! And if you die well you cant you will just respawn anyways" Mewo assured the group. Her warm smile gave them a bit of confidence.

"We won't give up! If one of us falls, we will all work to help them back up! We can do this!" Aubrey exclaimed.

"Aubrey's right! We will fight forever if we have to! I wont let those wxperiments concauctions ruin our world!" Basil added.

Omori and the others nodded.

"And there is NOTHING wrong with men in skirts!" Mewo said.

"And dresses!" Said Basil.

"Shut up Basil" Said Kel.

"Where do we find these things to fight, Mewo? Anyone?" Mari asked.

"It's simple really! If you see a bad cranky monster, kill it! Don't worry too much about the whole world getting demolished."

"Oooh... Kay????" Said Hero.

"So do we just go and find those things now?" Aubrey asked.

"It's just as important to rest as it is to defeat these things! You dont have to scavenge for them! I guess you could if you want to though..." Mewo answered.

"Why don't we take a bit of a break until we adventure once again?" Said Mari.

"Yeah! Lets go and play! And maybe have a picnic too!" Said Basil.

They all left to the swings as Mewo dissapeared.

"Hey uhhmmm guys isn't it weird that all of your hair transforms aswell when you guys transform but mine doesnt?" Basil asked, slowly swinging back and fourth on the swing.

"Its cuz ur hair looks like a girl and you look like a girl!!!!" Said Kel.

"But even Mari and Aubrey get cool hairstyles... So why dont i?"

Hero stepped closer to Basil. "It's just vecause your hair looks so good already that it cant get any possibly cooler!"

Basil smiled.

All the sudden, the whole playground heard a loud scream from otherworld.

"Oh my god... What was that???" Said bangs

"Grumble grumble grumble grumble"

"Lets go check this out!" Said Mari.

"We know the way!!" Said Aubrey.

The 6 climbed up the ladder to otherworld. As they were half up the ladder, they started hearing some pretty familiar crying... Along with a familiar sounding tape.....

"Uhmmm Kel? Omori? Aubrey? Hero? How long does this ladder usually tak to climb?" Mumbled Basil.

"It usually takes around 5 minutes!!! But i dont know!!! Ask Kel or something!!!" Exclaimed a high pitched voice.

OMORI GOGO PRINCESS PRETTY CUREWhere stories live. Discover now