Part 1 - The Beginning

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Y/n considers themselves to be a bright and hard working individual. They decide it would be cool if they took the hunter's exam. With their parent's permission, they traveled all the way up to Zaban city from their home in the Glam Glass city.

It was relatively easy for them with all things considered. Just a hike and a few interactions, of course, a bit of saving people. They brought a small bag with them. It contained a sheathed kitchen knife, some good pens, bright yellow sticky notes, and a photo of their family.

When they entered into the exam site after exploring the riches of Zaban city, they were given a badge number. That being 374. They didn't really like the number, but it's okay. "We can't all get what we want," they state to the little green man who handed them their badge.

Y/n looked around, noticing the tension in the room. Everyone had a serious look on their face. None of them were interesting to Y/n, or at least none that they spotted. But, that's not why they were there. They wanted a hunter's license. That's the sole reason all of this is happening. Why someone so small would participate in such an exam.

Well actually, some of them looked funny to Y/n, with the same exact pouts on all of their faces, but it didn't really matter to them. Maybe they were just too tired to even care by now. It was getting late in the day. Considering that, they found a good spot near the wall a short nap, clenching their bag in their slumber.

When Y/n woke, they noticed a soda can near their head. Some sort of orange drink. They wondered who would offer them such a kind gift. Orange soda is pretty good, after all. The person should have just kept it for themselves.

They decided to put it in their bag to enjoy later, and sat up. They saw the group of hunter examinees was growing a bit larger, so they checked their bag to make sure they didn't get pickpocketed.

Everything was still there, surprisingly. It's strange, considering that someone had to have come over.

They turned their head and saw a group of three people walking in, probably the last ones. One tall, lanky man, with short spiky black hair, clutching a brief case, one slightly shorter... actually, Y/n couldn't tell the gender of this person, but they were blonde with medium length hair, and wearing a blue kimono, along with a young boy in green. Very long, almost unnatural spiky hair.

Y/n found this one group of people interesting, so they watched from afar, as the three suddenly reject #16's drink.

The conversation couldn't be heard from their distance. But they look down at the drink next to them, and still decide maybe it isn't the friendliest gesture. They'll just... leave it here for now.

They walk towards the group, wanting to learn more. But, before you manage to get any information, a weird bell rang, a large wall opening up, there's a brief warning as to the dangers
, and the hunter exam officially begins.

Everyone begins following the examiner, this strange purple man with a mustache, to who knows where. Probably the next exam site? Y/n gets a tiny bit closer to the three, not wanting to lose them in the crowd.

The walking turns into running.

Even though Y/n doesn't have the best stamina, they're determined to stay close to the three, so they push as hard as they need to, using anything they can as a distraction from the physical toll.

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