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"Tum woh pal ho mera,
Jis pal ka intezaar mujhe har pal raheta tha"

"Tum woh pal ho mera,Jis pal ka intezaar mujhe har pal raheta tha"

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Aditya's POV

When I climbed on her balcony, I quickly hugged her because I missed her, I missed my Akshara. Then I entered her room, it was smelling so good I can't even describe. Sweet smell like Lavender, she herself is as soft as Lavender why won't her room be like her!?

 Sweet smell like Lavender, she herself is as soft as Lavender why won't her room be like her!?

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Then I was examining her room. When I turned towards her bed I saw Aarohi hiding something very quickly and due to her sudden reaction I was confused. I stepped forward towards her.
"What happened?"
I tried peeking behind her back.
"Nothing! Go sit there, I'm coming."
She picked up a huge box and kept it under her bed.
I sat on the sofa trying to prepare how to confess to her about my feelings and on the other side my overthinking was telling me to shutup and step back but this time I won't. I was already trying to  find her from last 10 years.


"Here it is." Aarohi came when Aditya was in his own world. She handed him a glass of water.
"Ab batao kyun aaye ho?" She asked.
"For you."
"Hmm?" She looked at him confused.

"I mean umm...there is something I wanna tell you." He said, trying to gain some confidence
"Okay, go ahead?" She said and sat on her bed with a pillow on her lap.
"Umm actually Aarohi, I fell in love with a girl at first sight and umm.." He said.
It was clear from his reactions that he is not confident enough
"Soo?" She was again and again disturbing him by saying some or the other words.
"Areyy chupp na yaar mein bhul jaaunga kya bolna hai. Ek dum chupp." He said in low tone but with frustration.
She gestured him to continue with his words.
"So, I was in class 8th when I fell in love with her, I wanted to confess her about my feelings but I couldn't due to my overthinking. Unfortunately, she changed her school next year and my story remained one sided. I was trying to find her since 10 years and luckily we found her." He explained her.
"We?" She asked.
"Me and my bestfriend" He replied quickly.

Okk. Then?"
Aditya took a deep breath and then spoke:
"Her name was...Akshara"
Aarohi's world turned upside down after hearing that word from his mouth. She changed her name 8 years ago but that was not the issue. The main thing was, he love her and she is not ready.
"And I know you are my Akshara. I was trying to find you since 10 years and you are here! I was flirting with you few hours ago!!" He said excitedly and shifted from his place and moved towards her.
"You know what Lavender, loving you for the whole fucking 10 years was the thing I never got bored of!" He placed his hands on hers.
She removed her hands and she was looking in his eyes and finally said:
"Aditya, you can go!" She broke the eye contact.
"What is Lavender now? Who is Lavender?" She asked.
"You are my Lavender."
"Why are you calling me that?" She asked him.
"Because, the lavender rose is often a sign of enchantment and love at first sight. You are my love at first sight! I can call you that even if you say no. Secondly, the color purple also has a traditional association with royalty, after entering your room I can only smell lavender all over so.." He explained her very clearly.
"Okay fine. Go now." She moved towards her balcony and tightened the grip of rope from the railing.


"Listen please! Give me one chance to express my feelings. Please. One chance." I said looking in her eyes then I continued:
"I don't know what happened in your past and I don't wanna know because that was YOUR past in which I was not involved. There was...there was someone else in your life who left you but trust me, love, you have me until every star in the galaxy dies. You have me.
When we met today, I found home in your eyes and love in your smile."
She was looking at me, expressionless. Suddenly, a tear rolled down her cheeks. She was crying.
"Woah. Woah. I didn't mean to hurt you. please stop crying. Please please." I begged her.
"Why are you choosing me for your precious love?" She asked and another tear rolled down her cheeks.
"I choose you. I will choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in every heartbeat I'll keep choosing you! I found my home in you." I said.
"No. NO. NO. Everything is wrong. This is wrong." She rubbed her face in anger.
But why is she getting angry.
"Lavender, don't hate me please. I can live without you, alone, but I cannot live like this. You hating me."
"STOPPPP ITT!!!!" She shouted on my face.
"If you are done, please with a due respect get out." She was frustrated. "I know I am a girl but I don't need to call my brother or father from downstairs. I can handle you on my own ." She smirked but she was hiding her feelings.
"You deserved to be loved without having to hide the parts of yourself that makes you think that you are unlovable." I gestured towards her heart. "Your heart needs love.Your mind needs love. You needs love."
"ADITYA!!! GET OUT I SAID." She shouted again.
I moved towards her and grabbed her from her waist and pulled her towards me. I put my fingers on her lips.
"Shhhhh! Remember, everyone is sleeping downstairs? I don't think you want to create any kind of drama. If your parents will come upstairs and found me and you alone in the room, what will they think? Their daughter being alone with a man at night? Hmmm?" I said looking into her deep grey eyes.
"Nothing is same, Aditya. I'm changed. Totally changed. I'm not Akshara now, who was an introvert, shy or who was in depression from her whole childhood." She said.
"I don't care. Every inch of me is falling for you. I'll still choose you. I'll still love you." She was on my hold still.
She did something unexpected, she lifted herself up to reach my ears. She was standing on her toes.


Hello lovies 🩷
I don't know why but I think this part is better than any other part🥹

I picked 2-3 lines from Pinterest.
Comment down which scene/line you liked the most.
See you in the next part. Till then bye bye 🫶

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