Bonus chapter- 3

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Akshay was driving when Akriti's call rang. He picked up the call and said, "Kab chordogi mera peecha baar baar call krti rheti ho?"

"I don't want to talk to you, I just can't help myself, Aarohi is literally walking on the wet mud on the edge of the cliff and she can take any wrong step please come here, I know Aarohi she can do anything." Akriti said while panicking.

"Akriti first of all stop panicking, I know how to stop her, I am coming." Akshay said while taking a short cut for the location.

"Ofcourse, you should know the solution,  because of you only my Aarohi is in this state today." Akriti said.

"Done? Now cut the fucking call, I don't want to waste my time on you." He said.

"Hmmm you know who is wrong here that's why-" She paused and shouted, "Aarohiii" Akshay cut the call as he was about to reach there.

When Akshay reached there, he saw Aarohi on the lap of Akriti. He got scared and ran upto them.

"What happened? What did she do?" Akshay asked Akriti without looking at her. He was looking at Aarohi who was lying unconscious on the ground.

Akriti was rubbing Aarohi's hand and murmuring, "please wake up."

Akriti saw Akshay with tears in her eyes and said, "Thank you for coming Akshay. Please help me to pick her up, we need to go to the doctor." Akriti said panicking.

Akshay kept his hand on Akriti's shoulder and said, "Don't worry I am here for you don't panic."

Akriti looked at him, he was still looking at Aarohi trying to figure out what happened. He looked at Akriti and said, "let's go." Then he looked at his hands on her shoulder, he immediately removed his hands and picked Aarohi up.

Akriti sat down in the back seat and helped Akshay to get Aarohi in the car. Aarohi's head was kept on Akriti's laps. Akshay drove in the highest speed and asked Akriti for the confirmation, "Hua kya hai?"

"She fell down, shouted in pain and passed away ." Akriti said.

Akshay stopped the car on the road and turned backwards to face her and whispered, "Woh gir gayi toh hum log hospital jaa rhe hai?" Akriti nodded.

"She is fucking pregnant, Akshay! Falling down can lead to miscarriage." Akriti shouted at him and continued, "padhaai kri hoti toh pata hota na."

Akshay without uttering a word, speed up the car as Akriti was right.

Till the time they reached the hospital Aarohi woke up and started shouting.

"We are here Aarohi, don't worry." Akriti said.

Akshay came and picked Aarohi up and ran into the hospital.

Aarohi was taken in charge by the doctor. Akriti was sobbing continuously, she sat on the floor. When Akshay saw her he went towards her, he sat in front of her and hugged her, she cried more in his arms.

"My only hope is Adi bhai's child. Please save that child." She said crying.

"Do you think our Aarohi is that weak?" Akshay said while lifting Akriti's face.

"But that-" Akshay stopped her by keeping his fingers on her lips.

"No negative talks." Akshay said and she nodded.

They waited there for an hour.

When the doctor came out Akshay and Akriti ran towards him, "What happened to Aarohi, is she fine?"

"She is in her senses now but for few minutes leave her alone, Ms. Oberoi." The doctor said to Akriti and then looked at Akshay and said, "I need to talk to you, Mr. Singhania."

Akshay nodded and went in the direction where the doctor was going. Akriti sat down on the chair outside wondering what could have happened.

Akriti wanted to go inside and hug Aarohi but doctor said to leave her alone, so she can't deny.

"Yes doctor?" Akshay said while taking a seat in front of doctor's table in the clinic.

Akshay's heart was pumping hard.

"Actually, I'm sorry to say but Ms.Aarohi had a miscarriage." The doctor said with a sad tone.

'Ms. Aarohi had a miscarriage.' The doctor's words echoed in Akshay's mind.

For few moment, everything went numb, silent and dark.

'An unborn child died before his birth because of me.' Akshay thought.

"We need to do cleaning. Let her stay here for few hours, after cleaning take her with you and yes we haven't told her about this as we know what happened to Mr.Oberio, we don't know how to tell her about this now." The doctor said.

He nodded and went outside of the clinic with a heavy heart full of guilt, he knew he had to answer Akriti outside for which he was not ready.

Akshay took out his phone and texted Aditya's number,
"I need you today, I know you will not reply but still I am sending you this text to let you know how helpless I am feeling today, I have to take care of your sister and your lover both but who will look after me? Who will check on me? I am hurt, Adi. How to tell Aarohi about her child? How to tell Akriti that her last hope is dead now? I am feeling guilty for what I did today.
Your Bestfriend needs you today, Adi."

He kept the phone inside the pocket and went to Akriti.

Akriti came towards him and asked, "what did the doctor said?"

"Miscarriage." Akshay said thousands of emotions in one word.

"Are joking or what?" Akriti said.

"I am serious." Akshay looked in her eyes.

Akriti knew it that Akshay can never lie when he is looking in someone's eyes.

"No..noo" Akriti ran where Aarohi was resting, Akshay followed her.

They saw Aarohi talking to her belly as she didn't knew about her child. Akriti looked at Akshay questioning him.

"Doctors didn't told her." Akshay said in Akriti's ears.

Akriti's eyes filled up with tears again.

Aarohi looked at them and asked-


A/n:- I cried, you cried, we cried 🤝
I am sorry for this chapter...(Am I cruel to her?)


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