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2 chapters more and they will get married. Hopefully you all understood today's chapter. It was too difficult to write haldi ceremony's chapter.
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Tell me if I was wrong anywhere. Also haldi album is there at the end.

Next chapter will be published anytime. Stay tuned✨️

Happy reading✨️

Happy reading✨️

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Aditya's POV

As the groom, I see the haldi ceremony decoration as a vibrant and joyous celebration of love and tradition. Marigold flowers in hues of yellow and orange adorn every corner, symbolizing prosperity and happiness. The fragrance of turmeric fills the air, invoking auspiciousness and purity. Colorful drapes and fabrics hang gracefully, creating a festive ambiance. The traditional elements like clay pots filled with haldi paste and diyas add a touch of authenticity to the décor, reminding us of the rich cultural heritage we are embracing. Overall, it's a beautiful sight that sets the perfect tone for the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

It's time for her to enter now. My mother was with her. She will be here anytime.

As the haldi ceremony unfolds, my heart races with anticipation as I await the arrival of my beloved bride, AAROHI. She wore a yellow georgette lehenga with flower jewellery on her forehead, neck, wrists and there was a waist chain. Her today's look was adorable. I don't know how am I gonna react on our wedding day. In the midst of laughter and music, her entrance is like a beacon of light, illuminating the room with her beauty and grace. Dressed in the vibrant colors of tradition, she carries herself with a quiet confidence that steals my breath away. With each step she takes, my love for her deepens, knowing that soon we will be joined in this sacred union of marriage.

As our eyes meet, a flood of memories washes over me - the moments we've shared, the laughter we've enjoyed, and the challenges we've overcome together. In this celebration of love, surrounded by friends and family, I am reminded of the strength of our bond and the promise of a future filled with endless possibilities.

With the application of the haldi paste, I am reminded of the purity of our love and the blessings that surround us. As I watch her embrace this tradition with grace and joy, I am filled with gratitude for the love that has brought us together and the journey that lies ahead. In this moment, amidst the colors and laughter, I am overcome with love for my bride, knowing that our love marriage is a testament to the beauty of true love.

As the haldi ceremony begins, I feel a mix of excitement and nerves coursing through me. Surrounded by loved ones, I sit adorned in traditional attire, ready to embrace this cherished tradition. The vibrant yellow hues of the turmeric paste await, promising blessings and auspiciousness for the journey ahead. Each touch of the paste on my skin feels like a gentle caress of love and well-wishes from those closest to me. The laughter and joyous chatter fill the air, creating a lively ambiance that mirrors the warmth in my heart. In this moment, I am grateful for the bonds of family and the anticipation of beginning a new chapter with the one I love.

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