15. Gift for Nayantara.

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Anirudh's pov

It was late at night when i entered my chamber to be greeted by an eerie silence and enveloping darkness, with only a few dimly lit lamps casting a faint glow.

I went to bedroom area and saw it empty. I furrowed and checked the bathing area and dressing area but my wife was not there also. I immediately went to resting area in search of my wife.

It was already very late at night and she was not here!

After checking the resting area i went to balcony and i sighed in relief when I saw her sleeping on a red carpet in a very uncomfortable position. She was shivering because of the cold. I sighed.

I was going to take her in my arms but i stopped when i saw her beautiful serene face. She was looking enchanting under the moonlight.

Her long dark hairs were braided and cascaded over her left shoulder, A Few strands of hairs were gently brushed against her face, while her rosy nose and cheeks revealed the effects of the chilly weather. Her big beautiful eyes were closed as she was sleeping peacefully without any care in the world. She was looking so innocent like my Tara, the Tara i fell in love with. It was her innocence which made me fell in love with her.

Her pink lucious lips were looking very inviting. Ohh how i wanted to suck the life out of them!

Her dupatta was not properly tucked as she was sleeping which was giving me a view of her cleavage, a desire filled my eyes and i clenched my hands to prevent myself from touching her. I instantly averted my gaze from there.

She had always been very important to me. But as i saw the nuptial chain wrapped around her neck and vermilion filled hairline, she became my possession like i had to protect her from the world and just hide her in my arms forever.

I just couldn't afford to lose her. She was mine, only mine from the childhood.

I was filled with anger towards her because I thought she would never leave me, yet she did! Despite claiming she would love me forever, she was actually ready to marry another man!

I again looked at her as my gaze went towards a dark red and purple mark on her slender neck which was the result of my last night activity with her. Hickey!

Ohh only i knew that how much it was difficult for me to control when i saw her in a red bridal lehenga looking gorgeous just like how i had imagined her to be on our wedding day. She was looking like a total queen. My queen.

And when i saw her in the dressing room having difficulty because of the blouse i just couldn't control myself, Resulted in a hot session.

Coming out of my thoughts i took her in my arms, bridal style. She in return immidietly snuggled to me finding the warmth. A small smile appeared on my face looking at her innocent face.

I came inside our bedroom and i made her lay on the bed covering her with a blanket. Her one hand was still holding my kurta's collar. I tried to free her hand but she stirred up in her sleep, opening her eyes which immediately became wide after seeing me.

As soon as she saw me close to her she instantly tried to sit up which resulted in bumping our forhead together.


She whimpered, I stood up straight and looked at her, rubbing her forhead.

"Why were you sleeping outside..?"

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