Chapter 2

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Eunhee POV :-
I..i couldn't believe what they just said to me. Do they think I'm some kind of sl*t or a wh*re who would sleep with them?!!

My thoughts got interrupted when the guy with slight curly hairs spoke.

"Sleep with us and we'll let you go. 'I sWeAr'"

He said the last two words as if mocking me. He came closer and held my jaw to make me look into his eyes. My teary eyes looked at him and I shivered upon his touch. His deep brown eyes had no emotions in them. His sharp gaze piercing right through my soul.

" I'll take it from here Jungkook " he said. The guy with big doe eyes whose name was Jungkook left the room.

Tears flowed down my eyes but I did not make a sound because I didn't want to be slapped again.

He suddenly put more pressure on my jaw because I didn't answer him yet.

"ARRGHHHHHH...." I screeched.

He looked at me shocked and took a few steps back and left my jaw when my hands reached to the side of my mouth. I had arching pain suddenly because of the tight slap that landed on my cheek a while ago because of this curly haired guy.

He clenched his jaw and then pinned my hands to the side of my head and said " Stop with your nuisance. Didn't I say one more word and you'll die??!! "

I started whimpering with pain and fear again. He started kissing my neck while I tried really hard to get out of his grip and push him away. He had me pinned to the glass door soo tightly leaving no place between me and him that I couldn't even kick him. I had no choice but to stop struggling and let him kiss me.

A while later when I was out of breath I started struggling again thinking that he would kill me by cutting off my oxygen supply by kissing me for soo long.

He pulled away, he left my hands earlier to pull my neck and deepen the kiss when I had given into his kiss. But obviously I didn't kiss him back though. I was disgusted and scared of what he did and what he'll do next with me. I couldn't give him my body no matter what.

When I got the slightest of chances to push him away from me I did. I pushed him away and he stumbled. He was now three to four steps away from me. " I'm not the kind of girl you think I am mister. Enough of you abusing me this way!! And no I'm not going to sleep with you no matter what!!! You want to kill me right! Fine go ahead and kill me!!!!! " I screamed my heart out to him.

He took two long steps towards. Oh f*ck! Boyyy I was wrong, he closed the gap between us ever soo quickly like it never/didn't exist!!

" LEAVE ME " I groaned as he tightened his grip on my waist and the other hand holding both my wrists together.

"Big mistake princess. Big mistake." He left my waist and tried to rip off my clothes by I somehow managed to jerk him off and push him again and hugged my body tightly.

He got really angry with my behaviour. He held one of my wrists and "You are nothing but our slut from now onn. I think I need to put some sense into you." He started walking and I almost fell on the floor with the speed he was walking in but I somehow managed to not fall down and literally had to run to keep up with him.

He dragged me down to the basement. That guy with big eyes named Jungkook saw the curly haired dragging me down and started walking with us.

"What happened Taehyung hyung?" asked Jungkook.

"She needs to taught a lesson Jungkook."

Tears continuously flowed down my eyes no matter how hard I tried to control them.

Jungkook POV :-
I got out of the room as soon as hyung told me to. I knew that he was going to hit her or probably even kill her. I didn't want to kill anyone today because I was anyways too tired to do that. I just wanted to have a rest now and hyung told me to go out so I did and locked the door on my way.

I was drinking some canned beer and sitting chilling and relaxing my body a bit but suddenly I heard Taehyung hyung dragging that girl down and I followed him cause I had finished my beer anyway.

Hyung took her to the basement and said, "She needs to taught a lesson Jungkook." I was confused of what happened after I left them but still stayed quiet.

"Pass me that rope Jungkook" hyung told me and I silently passed it to him.

He tied that girl tightly on the chair and walked away without a word.

"What did u do to make hyung soo angry?!!" I shouted and asked her but she didn't answer. I slapped her a bit slightly thinking she was asleep but she had ' FAINTED'.

Like I had promised! I'll be making sooner updates💜

Take care ARMY💜

Next update maybe next week cause I have many assignments to complete and very less days for college to starttt😭
Bye bye loves💜✨

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