Chapter 15

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Jungkook POV:-

I finish counting.. and she still hasn't gotten up.

I grab her wrist in my hand and pull her up only to be showered with series of screams erupting from her mouth with pain. I finally realise that she might have gotten hurt somewhere and take hold of her shoulder instead, and part ways with her wrists.

Her left hand seemed to automatically reach her right one with utmost care. She had started crying and screaming the moment she saw us.

Eunhee started to scoot away from me when I sat beside her.

"Stay in your place princess, don't move" I demanded, my voice authoritative and deep.

She stopped moving immediately but the tears in her eyes kept falling down her face.

I brought up my hand to wipe her tears that had been continuously flowing down her face, but she flinched as I raised it up and turned her face to the side. It seemed like she thought I'd hit her and harm her again. I felt a pang in my heart when she did that, even though it's me who wanted her to fear me and harmed her, it still hurt me to see her turn away from me.

When she turned her head I brought my hand down again and tried to take her wrist in my hold.

"NO!!" She screamed and tried to move away again, only to be silenced by Taehyung, this time.

"Stop! Don't move." His serious voice sent her shivers and she shifted uncomfortably in her place, but still stayed put.

I tried to take her right hand in my grasp again, only for her to move it farther away from me. Her act kept leaving me impatient every passing second. I had kept my hand raised, silently demanding for her hand, while she kept staring at it.

When my patience had reached it peak I finally spoke up with a tsk escaping my mouth.

"Give me your hand Eunhee. I won't repeat again."

I waited for five more seconds for her to actually give me her hand and she did but very hesitantly and carefully.

When she finally placed her hand in mine, I started to examine it and ask her questions..

"Could you try and move your hand in circular motion?"

She tried but winced in pain and shook her head.

"Words princess."

"I c-can't.. I-it pains" she voices out.

"Are you fingers okay though?"

"Y-yes.." she says nodding her head.

"I'll press a few spots now. Tell me if it pains." She nods her head at my question and another tsk escapes my mouth as I look her straight in the eye.

"O-okay.." a faint smirk forms on my lips when she understood me and answered in words.

I slightly press a spot on her wrist and wasn't even halfway in my process of the first try when she screams with pain and more tears escape her eyes.

I nod my head and try to press the other side of the wrist and again when I'm not even halfway in the process of pressing that side and only pressed it slightly she screams with pain again and more tears follow the watery path of her cheek and drop down on her t-shirt and covers she's covered with.

"She has a broken wrist." I inform Taehyung who is next to me with widened eyes.

Eunhee on the other hand looks at me and Taehyung back and fourth multiple times before crying even more hysterically.

"I'll call the doctor." Taehyung informs and goes out the room to make a call.

Eunhee POV:-
'A broken wrist?!' my surroundings come to a halt when I hear him say I have.. a broken wrist..

The memories of my parents come rushing in my head. They way they had kept me safe. The way that they pampered me, never let me even have a scratch or fall down and were always soo much careful with me.

And now..

Here I am. Everything changed the moment they died in the car accident.

Uncountable tears left my eyes, trailing down the same wet trails that were on my cheek.

"Eunhee.." Jungkook's voice brings me back to reality. I jerk my head up as I flinch.

"I'll ask you a few questions.. answer them honestly.." he trails off.

'What does he wanna know? What does he wanna ask me?" I wonder

"... Why did you hurt yourself? "


My lovelies I know I was gone for a month nearly but I was busy with shifting my house and exams got over (I don't remember if I told y'all) results were okayish.. not really great ehh.

How are y'all doing though? And any thoughts about the story so far? The things are gonna take a spicy turn soon. (No I don't think I'll include smut just yet. Sorry about that BUT I will include it soon!! And I mean VERY soon!!!)

Please just press the vote button y'all 😭
I swear I'll update soon!! Btw it's your authors birthday soon. Any guesses on when it is? I'll double update on that day 💖

Sorry once again!!

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