Chapter 16

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Eunhee POV :-

"... Why did you hurt yourself? "

'H-how did he know that ?...' I look around my surroundings not knowing what to tell when I finally realise I'm not in the hoodie I was wearing since morning.

I was wearing a t-shirt...

I furrow my brows. Anger surging within me. I wanted to kill them with my bare hands, but I knew I could do nothing and if I do, I will only end up inflicting more pain on myself.

"Answer me..." Jungkook says again softly.

I just shake my head and look away.

"Eunhee?" He says again but his voice holding a pinch of authority this time.

But I won't back away, so I answered back.

"Why?" I ask him, my voice not above a whisper even though I wanted to act tough.

"Cause.. cause I care"

"You care?.." I scoff as I continue "..if you really cared I don't think I would be in this situation."

"Watch what you tell, princess. And I won't remind you of this over and over again."

I was about to tell something else but got interrupted by Taehyung.
"Doctor's here." He lazily says.

Taehyung POV :-

The doctor checked on Eunhee and gave some tablets, I think they were painkillers and some ointments for her bruises. He plastered up her hand while she screamed in pain. The doctor told that she hadn't really broken her wrist but just cracked it slightly and the pain should lessen in a few days but if not then she would have to come to the hospital to get another checkup and left.

I sat beside her and she scooted further away from me.

"Lay down and sleep. Get to work from tomorrow or you won't be getting the painkillers, princess." I sarcastically finish and wait for her to lie down.

Once she does, she tries to pull the covers and cover her body. I pull them away from here and wait for her to give up and sleep without them.

"Lie down." I say again and she finally gets into a comfortable position but hissing with pain, probably because of the whips she recieved.

When she closes her eyes I yank up her tshirt slightly. "Shut up. I'm inspecting." She still keeps squirming while I am looking at her. I pull down her t-shirt and get up to lev.

Timeskip to five days later

Author POV :-

"Please!! Give me the painkillers!!" Eunhee screams with pain, while holding her wrist. Tears continuously rolling down her eyes.

"Sorry princess, work wasn't done in five minutes so... No. You won't be getting them" Taehyung's says as he sits on the couch in front of Eunhee who's begging on her knees for them. A smirk sits perfectly on both the men's faces while the woman's face is drenched with tears.

Eunhee had gotten a work of cleaning the dishes; that is she had three plates and three glasses to wash. With the plaster on her broken wrist she wasn't able to clean it within the given time by them.

Unfortunately, the pain in her wrist hadn't subsided like the doctor said it would and since the next day of the torture, just like they had told her, they were making her do work in the house. It wasn't too much, but they made sure to make her suffer by not giving her pills and making her suffer in pain. And this is exactly what had happened today since the last four days.

They denied giving her the painkillers on purpose. She was three minutes late. They had made her their personal maid, making her run errands on purpose just for painkillers.

"Pl-please." Eunhee said coughing and choking on her own tears. She laid down on the floor unable to bare the intense pain in her wrist.

"Has your pain really not decreased at all?" Jungkook asked her raising his eyebrow.

"No!!" Eunhee screams with pain, unable to even talk properly.

Taehyung finally hands Eunhee the painkillers saying, "have them and go get ready. We are going to the doctor."

Eunhee gets up coughing and choking on her tears. She gulps down the tablets without water, showing how desperately she needed them.

She slowly walks up to her room and changes her clothes and heads down immediately, being scared that they might not take her to the doctor's if she didn't get ready within a short time.

At the hospital

The doctor checks Eunhee's wrist again, confused as to why the pain hasn't reduced at all.

"Have you been taking the painkillers regularly?" He asks.

Eunhee is hesitant to answer. She nervously glances at Jungkook multiple times not knowing if she should answer him or not. Taehyung hadn't come as he had some work.

Jungkook notices her glancing at him and not answering so he answers for her instead, "No doctor. She hasn't been taking them regularly."

"It's important for her to take them regularly in order for the pain to go away and her wrist to heal properly. If she takes them regularly she can remove her plaster within a month of time!" The doctor says sighing.

Jungkook nods at everything the doctor says and heads home with Eunhee.

"...Jungkook?.." a familiar male voice makes him turn his head towards their direction.

Who do you think it is my lovely readers??😏

Yes I'll keep saying sorry for not updating and continue updating late hehee.



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I love you byeee~ 🧚‍♀️

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