Chapter 7

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Jungkook POV :-
Walking back to the mansion for some water, now that the basement was clean. I was worried about her. I even wanted to know her name.

I entered the kitchen and saw her massaging her head with her fingers as she poured milk from the carton into the bowl. She kept it aside and stayed still for a few seconds and it made me feel uneasy and the next second I was on my knees with her in my arms, catching her so that she doesn't fall down. She fluttered her eyes open and immediately tried to stand up but I was quick enough to hold onto her tighter.

I lifted her and walked to her room and placed her on the bed while she was hesitantly looking at me.

Eunhee POV :-
He caught me at the right time. I had blacked out for a second or two. He carried me in his arms and took me to my room. He placed me on the bed while I kept looking at him, scared.

"What were you doing in the kitchen? Couldn't you tell me or Taehyung if you wanted anything? Didn't we tell you to ask?" he said clearly annoyed at me.

"I went to his room and asked him to give me some food. But he told me to go cook myself. I had no choice." I say with the equal amount of annoyance in my tone.

'What do they think of themselves? Treat me like a guest yet like shit?!! Tf is wrong with them?'

"Are u hungry then?" he asks clicking his tongue.

"Obviously, duhh"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that princess. Wait here I'll bring you something to eat. Don't go wandering anywhere either.. you understand?"

I gulp. He's too intimidating. His dark brown orbs piercing right through me. I nod my head.

"Words, princess.." he says again.

"Y-yes" I stutter.

Taehyung enters the room and I immediately bring my legs towards my chest and hug them tightly thinking he would hurt me, clearly being scared.

Jungkook follows behind him. The tray of food is with Taehyung.

"Sit properly" Taehyung says with his husky deep voice as shivers run down my spine.

I hug my legs tighter and dip my face deeper in my legs and close my eyes tightly.

"I won't repeat princess" he says with a pinch of anger in it.

I don't budge. He tries to touch me but I crawl to the other side of the bed and start crying loudly because I'm clearly scared of him.

"Stop this! I won't harm you, eat your food and we'll leave!! Stop crying and doing drama!!" he shouted a bit.

"Y-you won't hi-hit me?" I ask stuttering.

"Ofcourse I won't!! Why would I? I won't if u obey us. Now come onn eat your food." he says more calmly this time.

Taehyung POV :-
She slowly raises her head and wipes away her tears and scoots closer towards us. I raise my had to feed her some soup.

"I'll h-have it myself.." she tells me.

"I'll feed you!" I tell her sternly.

"P-please, I-i'll have it my-myself"

"Ok fine!!"

She tries to drink it but her hand keeps shivering and shaking and all the soup in the spoon either falls back into the bowl or on the plate and doesn't even reach her mouth. I patiently wait for five minutes straight until I get annoyed and reach my limit! I snatch the bowl and the spoon from her and try to feed her.

She starts sobbing again.

" You can't eat yourself. Your hands are literally shaking soo bad!!"

Hey loveliesssss how y'all doing?!!
Ik ik late posting againnnn but what can I do?! I'm soooooo preoccupied by assignments lately and they don't seem to endddd 😭✨

I'll double update like I promised but not soon though 😭
I have a cousin's wedding coming uppp!!!
I'm sooo excitedddd
(Your author is an extrovert!!!)

Don't forget to vote and follow pleaseeee🥺💜
Comment done and tell me how was this chapter okay?!

Let's meet againnn
Bye bye loveliesss


Jimin:- I'm soo lovely, your soo lovely, we are soo lovely lovely lovely!!!!

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