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Naomi in the mm


As Andre parked in the back of the trap house he banged on the back door and Joe the body guard who watches over the door open the door for Andre. 

"hey, boss" Joe said Andre just walked in the door trying to calm his nerves as he reached the back he seen chad counting money.

 Chad and Andre go way back they meet the first night Andre started selling drugs and ever since then Anthony, Chad and Andre were close they did a lot of dirty work together and they gained respect for that and know they're at the top of their game were they can sit back and watch the rookies do it for them. 


 "shut the fuck up" Andre said 

"you knew didn't you" he said trying to stay calm as possible 

"bra what the hell you talking about"chad said 

"don't play dumb with me nigga i will end your life right know just like Anthony so don't test me" Andre said pulling out his gun showing chad he was serious. 

"look Andre i-i don't know what your talking about "

 "you killed Anthony" chad said "he snitched i couldn't keep him walking these streets working with the feds" Andre said gaining his composure. 

"how do you know it was him" "because he told them were i lived and when i went home yesterday the FBI was their asking me questions"Andre said taking a seat in his chair trying to calm his nerves.

 "And you really think killing him was a good idea" "hello" chad said 

"look i know it was stupid but he came up on me with his gun in my face like he was about that" 

"so you let your fucking pride get in the way and shoot him to prove something know guess who they going to come to first you ANDRE" chad furiously said getting up and leaving 

 "FUCK" Andre said as he sat their trying to figure out a plan. 

He gets a call from mel "hello" Andre said 

"Andre the FBI agent is back again and he is looking for you"shit andre cursed under his breath 

"mom and dad home yet" he asked 

"no, but he said he is not leaving until he has a word with you" mel said 

"well tell i'm not talking to him with out my parents and i am on my way" he said as he hanged up the phone he got up from his chair and walked outside.

 when he saw chad outside on the phone and he hung it up once he seen Andre "look before you question me that was my mom"he said not wanting to start him up. 

"look i need you to stay here and watch out for anything unusual, alright"Andre said 

"bet" chad said

  Andre got in his car and speed down the highway to get home.

Once he got their he seen the same car from yesterday already knowing who it was he parked his car and when he got to front door  he heard the FBI call him.

"Andre, i need to ask you a few questions about the party this evening" the FBI agent said 

" where you at the house party this evening" 

"look i don't have to answer you" Andre said turning around to go inside 

" "okay, i will leave but this is not over" the FBI agent asked 

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