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        "Are you serious Naomi you never watched empire" Melissa said as she laughed at Naomi  "every body and their grandma watched that show wow we have to watch it"

"my mom thought it was going to pollute my mind or something i don't know" Naomi said as they stopped in front of her house they walked in side the gate and walked up the steps to the front door 

"dad i left my key are you off" Melissa said as she talked to her dad on the phone this gave  Naomi time to examine their house it was a pretty big house but not to big they had a drive way and a big black spiky gate. by the looks of it Naomi could tell her dad had money they had to walk on the other side of town to even get here. The walls of the house were painted a very glow y burgundy trimmed with a white finish their was a really beautiful welcome sign and a all white  mail box with their that said Sanchez on the side of it. Naomi's examination was cut short when see noticed Melissa was about to hang up the phone.  

"Um....okay i will ask her" Melissa said as she hanged up the phone and walk over to Naomi stopping her from her trance.

"Is he off" Naomi ask
"No but is it okay if i stay at your house until he gets off" Melissa said hoping she said yes so she would not have to wait until eight o'clock for her dad to pick her up.

"Yeah um... my mom should be fine with it" Naomi said as they started walking to her house.

As they reached the other side of town Naomi noticed the park that was behind her house and continue to walk getting familiar with the area more.

"Okay and this is my house and my mom is here so yay" Naomi said sarcastically while she reached in her side pocket of her book bag to grab her keys.

"Wait  out her okay she does not like it when i bring people home un announced" Naomi said as she walk inside her house leaving Melissa outside.

"Mom" Naomi yelled as she dropped her bag on the couch in the living room. "Mom" she yelled again as she entered the kitchen.

"What girl why are you doing all that yelling"her mom said while she put the wine glass on the counter.

"I know this is a little late but my friend Melissa wanted to know if she can stay here because she forgot here keys and her dad is at work" Naomi said while she waited for an answer hoping she say yes.

"......ah" her mom said not realizing what her daughter just said she remember that name but never thought that she would ever hear it again.

"Melissa who"her mom said nervously hoping it was not the one she gave birth to.

"Melissa Sanchez" Naomi said wondering why her mom needed her full name.

Naomi's mom could not believe what she just heard she thought she escaped that life that she would never see her again.

so here is a little chappie for you guys so vote, comment and tell me what you guys think 

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