Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

By afternoon, I find myself pacing back and forth in the empty kitchen. The door is locked. Estella's gone to get groceries and there's no one else in the house. Though, I see someone outside, near the gate and I don't think much of it. There's no one in here and that's the best part.

My mind runs wild, wilder than I could have imagined.

I bite the inside of my cheek over and over again while my hand rests on the small refrigerator. I don't want to do with my thoughts, but I can't help it. Every time I think of Zade, I feel angry, I feel so—betrayed. There's a sudden surge of conflicting emotions. A week and it feels like I'm in my own hell and my mate holds the keys to my freedom.

He doesn't show me a pinch of care, or anything else that falls into that list. He won't let me see my mother, he won't let me leave and he won't give me the answers I seek. I'm suffering.

Taking a deep breath, I open the refrigerator and look at the blood bags that are lined with one another. They aren't just a few bags. The longer I stare at them, my heart races quicker. Unease settles inside me once more. I don't know if I'm disgusted by it or fascinated.

Without wasting a moment more, I grab one and drain it down the sink. It quickly makes me feel better. Returning to the fridge, I take another and then more, as many as I can in my hands. I tear each one of them open before draining the blood from the bag. Revenge courses through my veins. He could've given me his blood, he chose not to.

It's a reckless act of defiance, and I enjoy every minute of it until I have emptied the refrigerator and there's nothing inside it but just bags.

As I stand there, staring at the aftermath of what I've done, I smile to myself. The taste of revenge is both bitter and sweet and my mate's going to feel that.

Leaving the tap on, I wash the sink of any evidence before closing the refrigerator and leaving the kitchen with no guilt in my mind. If Zade truly doesn't drink directly from humans or werewolves, then there's no chance he's going to survive the night or the following days that are going to come.

I want him to be deprived of blood for five days, just as he let me remain sick.

As I move across the halls of the house, I hear the doors of the house opening and then footsteps entering the foyer. My heart skips a beat. I don't want it to be Zade, not so quickly.

Quickly, I rush near to the entrance of the house and instead of finding my mate, I find Estella with a man next to her who carries the bags of groceries that she has. I hold my breath and cover the mischief from my face before meeting with her.

"How was it?"

"It was good," She smiles at me. "How about you? Still feeling better?"

"Yes. A lot better now."

"That is wonderful," I follow her into the kitchen as she heads straight in there. The man who had brought in the bags leaves before I can even glance at him. "What were you up to while I was gone?" She questions me.

I place my hand over the small fridge and use it to lean against it. "Oh, nothing much. Just wandering around." I respond to her with the truth, at least part-truth. I was wandering around the house for most of the time she was gone, but when I thought of Zade, the plan of draining his precious food formed in my mind.

I couldn't resist the urge to take revenge on him, to make him suffer.

"That's good." She smiles at me and turns her attention back to the bags.

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