Ch. 4 - Guardian of The Big Spoon (Eddie)

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Chapter song:
"This is Halloween" - - The Nightmare Before Christmas


Sunday, September 3rd

"I'm fucking starving," Mike announced, propping his guitar against the seat of the couch and signaling an end to their first session.

"I could eat," Stone agreed.

Jeff mumbled under his breath just loud enough so everyone could hear. "I said I was hungry hours ago, and no one paid attention."

It was true. They'd been playing for several hours by this point, locked up inside the walls of Smoky Potato. None of them had stepped foot outside since they first started, not to use the restroom and certainly not to eat. It had completely slipped Eddie's mind that he was hungry when he first arrived. Once the instruments started, he had forgotten all else, but the reminder that he hadn't eaten since the layover in Texas charged in with a direct stab to his gut.

"Alright, Jeff, where do you want to go? You know this place better than we do," Stone said.

Jeff propped his chin atop his closed fist as he contemplated the food options available to them, staring vacantly into the space in front of him. "What about The Big Spoon?"

"What's The Big Spoon?" Eddie asked.

"A friend works there," Jeff answered before addressing Stone. "You remember Dani from last year when you guys were here?"

One corner of Stone's mouth quirked at Jeff's words. "Ah yes, Danielle. I liked her. She's feisty."

Jeff snapped his bass case shut, standing up to face everyone. "Yeah, so let's see if she's working tonight. They've got soups, sandwiches, stuff like that. It's good, and it's right in town. We can take the van."

The band van.

"I don't mind going there." Eddie shrugged, looking around at the others.

"Is Emmy gonna be there?" Mike asked nonchalantly.

"Why would she be? She doesn't work there," Stone said with an arched brow.

Mike stood up, stretching his arms above his head. "I dunno. They're roommates and shit. Wait... they are still roommates, right?"

Stones lips curled into a grin that screamed sarcasm. "Yeah, that makes sense. Emmy just follows Dani to work because, of course, she has nothing better to do in her spare time."

Jeff sighed as he headed towards the door, and Eddie got the feeling that this wasn't the first time this conversation had taken place. "For the last time, Mike, she's not single, and yes, they're still roommates."

Ah yes, definitely not the first time.

"I didn't ask if she's single... but, you know, that could change any day really."

"How about this?" Jeff stopped to face Mike, his hand on the door knob. "I'll let you know when or if she's single."

"Yeah, let's not even take into consideration the fact that Emmy lives here in Tennessee, and you live in Seattle," Stone muttered.

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