Ch. 2 - Smoky Potato part 1 (Eddie)

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Chapter song:
"Rocky Top" - - Osborne Brothers


Sunday, September 3rd

Glancing at his watch, he saw it was exactly 1:12 pm, after the time zone change. Eddie edged over next to the wall so he wouldn’t be blocking anyone’s path and dropped his duffel next to his feet. The notebook soon found a home there, and he zipped it back up before looping the straps back over his shoulder. He wasn’t entirely sure who would be picking him up from the airport or even where he would be staying. Honestly, he hadn’t even wondered about that until now. A massive oversight, for sure. Hell, he’d make do with a closet if he had to. 

Pushing himself off the wall, he began slowly walking forward, scanning the area for anything or anyone that might stand out to him in some way. It was impossible though. He had no idea who he was looking for, and the airport was really fucking crowded, forcing him to utilize some quick reflexes to sidestep around several people. Around him, he witnessed people greeting each other warmly, some with a loving embrace. Some marched briskly ahead, their purpose and destination clear. Others wandered aimlessly, appearing just as lost as he was.

He could narrow it down to either Stone or Jeff meeting him at the airport. They were the only two he spoke with after all, but he had no idea what they looked like. A wiser person would have had this sorted out before impulsively hopping on a flight, but Eddie wasn’t really renowned for thinking things through. Or thinking ahead. No, well, he thought too much actually, just maybe not in a way that was always conducive. He was always in his own head in one way or another.

Like now, for example, as he realized he was stationary and staring off at nothing.

He just needed to shut the fuck up and focus on getting out of the airport.

Readjusting his duffle, he surveyed the faceless faces that darted in and out of sight. The whole scene was a blur, and he was a bystander in another person's story, an extra in a movie. Someone could walk up to him and ask point-blank if he was Eddie Vedder, and he may not be responsive. He almost felt catatonic, except for the fact that he was moving. Yes, he could confirm that he was no longer stationary. That didn't even make any sense. Clearly he wasn’t catatonic, just a bit overwhelmed. Sensory overload, maybe? The knots were making a comeback.

Seriously, just shut the fuck up, Eddie.

Now he was talking to himself. That was just perfect.

He needed to get out of here. It was becoming claustrophobic, and he was obviously losing his mind. There were too many people and no sign of the one person he needed to find.

Maybe they were running late. That would be a likely scenario, the most obvious one.

Or worse, maybe they decided “fuck this Eddie dude” and found a different singer, one already in Seattle who just traveled here with them. That would be such wasted money on a plane ticket.

Not his money, at least.

Eddie didn’t know these guys though. Maybe money wasn’t an issue for them. After all, they were willing to ship him back and forth between San Diego and Fairfield.

Well, shit.

That's probably what happened. Fuck the obvious scenario. It was the worst-case scenario or nothing now. 

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