Chapter 9 - Heart to Heart

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Ten Days Later

It was now late afternoon as the sun started to set in the west, casting the house in an orange glow and darkening the normally bright nursery as I sat leaned back in a rocking chair with my feet up, my belly bump covered with a half-finished baby blanket with the crochet needle still in my hands as I slept upright with the Transformers cartoon playing quietly on my laptop on a nearby table. Crowley slept curled up on the free space of the ottoman where my feet were, keeping them warm with his fuzzy soft black fur and putting off a surprising amount of heat from such a tiny body.

Sariel walked through the hall upstairs, peering over the balcony as she watched Sam, Dean and Mandy going over the final details of the plan at the dining room table. Sariel then looked back through the cracked door to the nursery, noticing I was sleeping in the rocking chair and slowly made her way inside, keeping quiet as her eyes started to scan the room for the first time.

She stopped in front of the crib, looking at the wall above it with an entire mural of gold stars covering the walls in the form of constellations, with monogrammed letters painted in white: 'G.J.W.', her eyes finally drifting back to me with a sort of forlorn look in her eyes.

Crowley suddenly started to wake up as if he sensed her presence, standing up on all fours as he stared back at Sariel with wide green eyes, his pupils narrowing to slits and causing Sariel to have a sort of staring contest with him. She slowly started to move closer, Crowley hissing at her as he backed away and causing Sariel to stop in place, a strange look in her eyes as she hesitantly reached her hand out to him.

Crowley then bolted off the ottoman, causing me to jolt up out of sleep when I realized Sariel was still standing there when my heart jumped in my chest, "Jes-"

I stopped myself, blinking my tired eyes and shaking my head as I gave her a look, "What are you doing in here?"

Sariel backed away, looking down at the floor as she shook her head, "My apologies. I didn't mean to wake you."

I stopped, shifting in my seat and glancing back at my laptop before I closed it, sitting up in my chair and looking back at her, "It's okay. It wasn't actually you who woke me up... Damn cat..."

I then paused in place, making a face when Sariel looked back towards the door, furrowing my brows. I watched her with a suspicious glare, shaking my head, "Seriously, why are you in here? I thought you all were supposed to be guarding the outside?"

Sariel finally looked back, shaking her head, "I was just coming to check on you. How are you feeling?"

I looked down at my large stomach, gathering up the baby blanket and set it down on the ottoman as I started to sit up, "Other than being about thirty-eight weeks pregnant, I'm actually doing pretty okay?"

Sariel nodded, looking back down at my stomach, "Are you in any pain?"

I hesitated, looking back at her and shaking my head, "No... I'm fine."

Sariel nodded, her eyes remaining fixed on my stomach before she finally spoke up, "Is it true?"

I stopped, shaking my head, "Is what true?"

She narrowed her eyes, looking back up at me, "You can hear him consciously? He's already forming thoughts?"

I looked down, running my hand over my stomach and shrugging, "Not really in words, but... Yeah. It's more like I can feel what he's feeling."

The Master's Tale - Catherine's Baby, Book 1, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now