Chapter 12 - He Has His Father's Eyes

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I started to feel blood pool up my back and heard it drip and pool on the ground beneath me as I screamed out, my flesh being ripped apart as Diana used her power to pull Gabriel from me when just then the house began to rumble again, causing Diana to stop and let out a laugh, "Well, isn't he the fighter? Not even made it to this world yet, and he's already managed to put the earth at a total standstill... Can't you feel it? Reality is being rewritten as we speak..."

Sam's breath was still trembling as he kept his eyes closed, silently praying to himself as he hung his head low, "Please, God... Have mercy on my son, please..."

Diana's eyes shot back at Sam, throwing her hand back at him and causing him to cry out in pain as his head went back when I called out to him, "No, Sam!"

Diana narrowed her eyes at him as she stepped in front of him, grabbing his face and turning him towards her, "If I hear you pray again, I'll cut out your tongue... There is no mercy here... It's just me."

Sam clenched his jaw, glaring back at her as his chest shook with shallow breaths when I started to feel myself getting faint, more and more blood pouring from below my waist and hitting the cold concrete floor with a sickening sound, moaning in pain and struggling to even lift my arms as I fought to even stay conscious.

Diana finally let go of his face, looking back at me as she started to circle around me again, "The longer you fight this, the more likely he will die... Now, you don't want to be responsible for killing your only son, do you?"

My breath started to tremble with soft cries again, closing my eyes and shaking my head, "Don't hurt him, please... Please..."

Diana's lips twisted into a slight grin, "Let's try this one more time, shall we?"

She brought her hand out in front of her, once again starting to pull him out against his will and tearing me open even further as I cried out, screaming in agony as Sam finally lost it, shouting at the top of lungs and begging, "No! Stop it! Stop it!"

Diana's eyes clouded with a deep shade of red again as she started to close her hand further, arching my back against her restraints and crying out as my screams echoed through the concrete walls, Sam gritting his teeth down to a powder as he tried to fight back and more blood poured down from his nose until his eyes finally started to glow a faint blue, shouting out one last time, "Stop it!"

All at once, Diana was blown back as she slammed into the concrete wall and Sam was dropped to the ground, crumpling on the floor before he jumped on the brief window of opportunity, springing to his feet and going after Diana as he grabbed onto her and unleashed a torrent of beatings on her fueled by pure rage. Her face quickly became battered and bruised as Sam's knuckles split open, grabbing onto her by the neck and slamming her head into the concrete repeatedly with furious grunts.

Diana stopped him, grabbing onto his arms and grinning at him as blood stained her teeth, "More, Sammy, that's it! That's my boy..."

Sam continued to beat her senseless in a blind rage when Diana finally disappeared with him still on top of her, reappearing in the backyard outside just before Diana blasted him off of her, sending him back into a wooden post on the back porch and splintering it as he fell to the ground.

Diana rolled to her side, spitting out blood as Sam jumped back to his feet, scrambling and running towards her as he grabbed back onto her legs as he pulled her closer and got on top of her, seething through gritted teeth, "I'm letting you go back in there without me!"

The Master's Tale - Catherine's Baby, Book 1, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now