Chapter 3 - Shit Just Got Real

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Four Days Later

It was now late at night as we all started to wind down for the day, already sharing a quick meal together that Griffin dropped off from the local taco joint. The house had been buzzing with family members who came to help prepare the house while Dean helped Mandy move the last of her things to the house, all while I was stuck inside and trying to make myself busy since I was practically put on house arrest.

The yard outside was still dug up in a large circle as we started to lay down a large iron barrier underground, like a sort of giant, permanent devil's trap so I would eventually be able to at least step out on the back porch without fear of whether or not something would come and try to kill me. Tensions were already running high between the news and sense of impending doom, but everyone was working together to try to prepare for the arrival of the latest edition to the Winchester family.

I came through the garage carrying a small cardboard box to the guest room downstairs, walking through the doorway and seeing Mandy holding her small fuzzy black cat as she petted his head and snuggled him close to her chest.

I smirked to myself, setting down a box at the foot of her bed and let out a laugh, "I still don't know why you insist on taking the room downstairs? I told you Dean would be more than happy sharing a room with you?"

Mandy turned back around, shrugging as she let Crowley back down to the floor, "Because we're not together, Cat. And even if we were, I'd still like my own space every once in a while?"

I raised my eyebrows, giving her a look when she shrugged, coming closer, "Dean may also be slightly allergic to cats? So... This is a compromise."

I raised my eyebrows, making a face, "Dean's allergic to cats? That's... That explains a lot, actually?"

Mandy let out a laugh, looking back at me with a now slightly more serious look on her face, "How are you feeling, by the way?"

I gave her a look, shaking my head, "I wish everyone would stop asking me how I'm feeling all the time? That's how I'm feeling."

Mandy gave me a look when I shrugged, rolling my eyes, "I'm fine. I just can't seem to sleep right now and I'm already going stir crazy even though it's only been like four days? I don't know how I'm gonna do this for three months?"

Mandy raised her eyebrows, shaking her head, "Yeah, well, get used to it, Cat. We're just worried about you."

I sighed, nodding, "I know... Honestly, I think I'm probably doing better than Sam right now? Even if my crazy hormones not only affect my own powers, but my son's too?"

I stopped, making a face and shaking my head, "Which is... Definitely on the list now of things I thought I would never say?"

Mandy shrugged in agreement when she stopped, looking back at me, "Wait, what do you mean about Sam? What's up with him?"

I stopped, shaking my head and letting out a breath, "He won't admit it, but... I know how freaked out he is about this whole thing... Between working outside all day to ward the house, and trying to study medical books at night to figure out how to deliver a baby? Not to mention the fact that he's going to be a father in less than three months...? I'm honestly a little surprised he hasn't cracked already?"

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