Chapter 2 - Impressions

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Author Note:

Accompanying song

Temptation by Bakermat


Once Tom introduced himself to his students for the second time after Winter's dramatic entrance, he wanted them to present themselves to the rest of the class and him.

Tom was a new Professor at Cambridge and wanted to get to know who he would be teaching.

This was going to be his first term of teaching here, one of many, he hoped, after having accepted the position and moved from Oxford to Cambridge.

"So... Everyone... I know you probably know each other very well already, but as I'm new here, I'd love to get to know you all more. I'm a great believer in forming a better relationship going forward with you all. It helps me to know what your passions are. I don't want you to see me as an authoritarian figure... more of a guide through our journey together in your final year."

Tom's eyes drifted across the throng of students, settling on the girl that had fallen, quite literally, into his class as he mentioned about 'forming better relationships'.

He had to drag his eyes from her, mentally chastising himself again for thinking inappropriate thoughts of the girl with the chestnut-coloured hair and captivating green eyes.

He cleared his throat and clasped his hands together before resuming his introductory speech.

"I want to ensure you get the best from your final year on this course, and I'm here to help you achieve that. So... I would like for each of you to stand, in turn, and tell me a little about yourself," Tom smiled broadly as he watched the looks of horror from some of the students.

He knew this would be an anxiety-inducing nightmare for some of them, but it was something they were going to have to get used to if they wished to progress further in life.

Public speaking, without too much preparation, was definitely a life skill that would help them in the future and something that Tom believed to be extremely important to practice in a safe space.

"Why don't we start from the back, hmm?" Tom announced as his eyes moved across the crowd to land on the male student sitting in the back corner.

All the students turned their heads slightly to look up at Michael. A twenty-year-old, dark-haired muscle nerd with an audiobook obsession and gym habit.

He slowly stood in a t-shirt that was one size too small, pulled it down slightly to smooth it out and introduced himself to the sniggers from his classmates.

"Um... Hi, I'm Michael Potts. Erm... I enjoy going to the gym... Which most of you know already and... well... reading." Michael's voice trembled slightly as he spoke and rubbed the back of his head anxiously.

Tom smiled back at him.

"Good. Great start, Michael, and it's nice to meet you. I hope you're enjoying the course?"

Michael nodded his head as he sat back down. "Mmhpmm... Definitely," his voice dropped slightly as he looked straight at Winter briefly.

Winter was distracted, looking down at her knees, which were still pretty sore. They ached, and she knew they were probably bruising already.

But Tom saw the subtle look that Michael had given Winter. It inflamed jealousy immediately, something he was shocked to already feel welling up inside him as another person looked at Winter longingly.

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