Chapter 10 - Dark Alleys

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Author Note:

Accompanying Song -

Phat Planet by Leftfield

The side of Tom's fist throbbed as he held a cold bottle of beer to try and lessen the painful, stinging ache. He couldn't believe he'd gotten so angry that he had lost count of how many times his balled fist had hit the concrete wall in a toilet stall.

Tom had stormed off to the toilets after seeing Winter pull back from kissing some guy, who turned out to be another of Tom's students, Michael.

He needed to take himself out of the situation before he did something incredibly reckless, like pulling Michael away from Winter so that he could take his place.

It had been evident to Tom during his lectures that Michael had fancied Winter as he couldn't keep his eyes off her whenever he was sat behind her.

It seemed that Michael had achieved his goal and won Winter over, much to Tom's dismay and anguish.

All Tom could think about now was Winter going back home with Michael to have sex, losing her to him.

He could picture it as the muted bass of 'Born Slippy' by Underworld echoed inside the dark corridor outside the toilets.

Michael kissing Winter, his lips travelling over her soft, supple skin, along her jaw and down her neck, clumsily sucking and nipping at her flesh to mark her as his. Michael's hand palming her breast as his other hand undid the clasp on the back of her halter neck dress, letting it pool around her feet as it dropped to the floor. How Michael would pick her up effortlessly to carry her over to the bed as he continued to kiss Winter, grinding his hips up against hers to feel how soaking wet she was through her underwear.

Tom felt jealousy surging through his body as he grabbed and tugged at his hair when he entered the toilet stall as if he could desperately try to pull the images from his mind. Tears welled in Tom's eyes before he squeezed them shut, cutting them off from falling. The echo of Winter moaning Michael's name screamed in his head like a siren. Her kelp green eyes were looking back at him, toying with him, teasing Tom that she had found someone to replace him. Someone willing to give her what she wanted.

His jealousy morphed into anger and culminated in him hitting the side of his fist against the wall to the rhythm of Michael's cock pounding into Winter harder and faster as she moaned with pleasure.

As soon as Tom calmed down, splashing his face with cold water to desperately try to regain some composure, he looked at himself in the scratched mirror of the men's toilets. His jaw was clenched, and he looked furious still.

Tom took a deep breath, looking down at the water swirling around the plug hole of the stained porcelain sink. It felt like his mind was slipping into madness like the water down the drain mixing with all his negative emotions. All he wanted was Winter, and he knew he'd made a terrible mistake on Monday by letting her go.

Tom was surrounded by other men fiddling with their hair or preening themselves like peacocks preparing to dance to attract a partner.

Tom's hands gripped the sink as he closed his eyes, trying to syphon out the chatter around him and focus.

What the hell was he going to do?

He couldn't ignore it. In his mind, Winter was his. Seeing her with someone else activated some primal urge in Tom's conscience, cementing it in his head. Winter should be his; nothing else mattered. Not Catherine or that he was Winter's Professor.

Tom thought about what he could do. He couldn't exactly storm back through the crowd, grab Michael, and punch him in the face before whisking Winter off her feet, saving her from whatever drunken mistake she was about to make.

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