Chapter 9 - Lola Lo

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Author Note

Accompanying Song:

You Got the Love by Candi Staton

It was early Saturday evening, around six. The sun was just about setting as the street lights illuminated the roads, casting them in a hazy glow.

Winter walked into the city centre with her arm linked with Sarah's.

Sarah was wearing a sparkling gold shift dress and matching heels. Her hair was scraped up into a high ponytail with a few loose tendrils framing her face, whilst her makeup was reasonably minimal for Sarah's usual look.

Winter was wearing a short black, open-backed, halter-neck dress that fell mid-way up her thighs. It had a gold-lined hem that drew the eyes down to Winter's toned legs that she had accompanied with a pair of classic black heels, making the appearance of her legs look even longer as she clung onto Sarah as they walked down the pavement.

Her hair was loose around her shoulders, styled into waves that added volume to her chestnut-coloured hair, making her look as if she was ready to party. Her look was finished with bold eyeliner, smokey eyeshadow and a rouge-coloured lip gloss, giving her a hot temptress look.

Winter felt confident in herself, and dressing up helped with that, as well as the shots she and Sarah had drunk as they had gotten ready back at their student house.

They were headed to the pub called The Regal to get some cheap food and drinks to start their night off before heading to a nightclub, which opened at ten. James would meet them at the pub at seven after he had finished his football practice.

Winter and Sarah laughed and giggled as they walked towards their first destination.

It was mild for an early October evening, and they hadn't needed jackets to keep themselves warm. Whether that was again because of the shots or that they were walking so closely together, they didn't care, but both knew they would probably regret it later when they would inevitably stumble out of a club heading for a taxi rank.

"Let's find a table and order. I'm starving," Sarah complained as they pushed through the doors of the noisy, crowded pub.

It was already jam-packed with people having the same idea of getting a cheap meal and drinks. The pub was a favourite amongst students for this reason.

This pub brand was renowned for its cheap drinks and food. Winter ordered their usual roasted vegetable pizza and garlic bread to share between them, along with two pitchers of the 'Woo Woo' cocktails using the pub's app. They didn't need to queue up at the bar while they used their table number to place the order.

"James can pay for the rest of our drinks when he gets here," Sarah smiled broadly as she sat across from Winter and looked around the pub at the other patrons.

They had found a table in the corner of the pub, next to the windows that lined the pavement looking outside. It had the advantage that they could look around at everyone else and out of the window at the passersby.

"Well, the pitchers were two for fifteen quid, so we can at least get started on those with our food while waiting for him."

Sarah nodded and smiled at Winter. "See anyone you know?" Sarah asked curiously.

Winter quickly looked around, recognising a few people from the university, but she didn't even know their names. Winter shook her head in response.

"No? Me neither, but the night is still young," Sarah smiled mischievously at her best friend. "Still plenty of potential," Sarah smirked at Winter and nudged her foot, directing Winter's attention to the group of male students leaning against the bar, drinking and talking to each other.

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