Chapter 7 - Oops

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Author Note

Accompanying song:

greedy [Explicit] by Tate McRae

The feeling of the thick seam from the zipper of his trousers pressing against Tom's hard length made him shift in his leather chair as he sat behind his desk, stifling a groan of pleasure as he adjusted himself.

The image of Winter's bottom lip coated in the minty cream filling of the After Eight as it leaked out from the cracked chocolate after she took a bite made Tom think about how his cum would look glazing her lip instead.

The white, creamy mixture glistened in the light of his desk lamp, drawing his eyes to it like a lighthouse beacon, and Tom was lost in the sea of Winter's allure. The thought of Tom swiping the pad of his thumb across her lip, gathering that creamy mixture to push it back into her mouth, ensuring no drop was missed, drove him to the brink at the thought.

The imaginary feeling of her lips sealing around his thumb to suck and lick every drop clean made Tom flex his hand on his desk until his knuckles cracked and his fingertips turned as white as the paper on his desk.

Winter's tongue dipped out, and she licked her lips clean as she finished the dark square of chocolate. Her eyes were hooded and downcast as her fingers twirled the wrapper between them, and she chuckled.

"I don't even like mint chocolate."

Tom swallowed to try and bring some much-needed moisture back to his dry mouth as the images swirled in his mind, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth to wet it. His voice was low and husky as he spoke.

"Why are you eating it then?"

"Because you gave it to me."

Winter's kelp green eyes sparkled with mischief and intent behind every interpretation of what she had just said as her eyes met his.

Tom blinked in time with the twitch of his straining cock that had started to leak pre-cum into the top of his boxers.

His eyes were hooded with lust, his pupils blown to a disproportionate amount as he looked at the woman who haunted his thoughts every minute since he had laid his eyes upon her, sitting across from him, seeming to enjoy the effect she was having on him.

It took everything for him not to reach across that two-and-a-half foot of dark oak wood and grasp her hand as she placed the crisp black square of the wrapper on his desk, her fingertips lingering on it for a moment before she withdrew and sat back, watching his reaction to her loaded words.

Winter swallowed, tasting the mixture of chocolate and mint that coated her mouth. It wasn't unpleasant, but it was sickly sweet, much like the feelings stirring in her gut when she looked at the man across from her.

He was just as much of an indulgence as the chocolate. Some forbidden little treat that should only be eaten in small doses before you get addicted to the rush from the taste and feel sick from consuming too much.

Tom cleared his throat to cut the thick tension in the static air between them as he shifted in his seat again to release some of the pressure on his cock.

He couldn't think straight with the feelings of desire and lust coursing through him. Tom took a deep breath to try and relax himself and not do something stupid.

Tom had thought of nothing else the entire weekend and during his lecture with her as he stole glances up at Winter, but now she was here, and they were alone; he didn't want to frighten her off.

Winter had been doing the same as she looked down at him standing at the front of the lecture theatre. A smirk played on her lips after she looked back down at her notes whenever she caught him looking at her.

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