Chapter 16 - Reprieve?

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Author Note

-Accompanying Song-

Obsessed (feat. Ashley Sienna) by Sophie Powers

"Hey," Winter caught the barmaid's attention behind the bar by raising her hand and waving before she continued. "I don't suppose you have any ginger tea, do you?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"That's an unusual request." Hassan's sudden appearance next to Winter made her jump. Her heart stuttered to a stop before beating wildly in her chest like it wanted to jump free from its confinement after the fright.

"Do you always sneak up on people?" Winter snapped at him as she clutched the front of her white blouse.

"Woah... Hey..." Hassan raised his hands in defence after placing his empty silver tray down on the countertop.

"Sorry..." Winter sighed as she smoothed her blouse out across her chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap."

Hassan smiled a knowing smile before he lowered his hands. "It's fine. No worries." He looked at the barmaid as he spoke, "Char, there's some ginger tea under the counter over there," Hassan said as he directed the barmaid to where the breakfast tea selection was located. He turned back to Winter with a smile, "Tricky wedding guests are my speciality." He glanced around the room to make sure no guests were near before he leaned closer and quietly asked, "So, which one is the bitch?"

Winter chuckled and shook her head before leaning closer to him.

"One of the bridesmaids," she whispered.

Hassan smirked and leaned a little closer, his breath tickling the fine hairs on Winter's cheek. "Ah... The one who's always the bridesmaid and never the bride, eh?"

"Nope. Not exactly. She's married," Winter sighed as she looked into the mirror behind the bar and caught her own tired expression.

Hassan's brow furrowed as he leaned back. "Oh? So you know this bitch already then?"

Winter chuckled and nodded solemnly as she turned her head to look at him. "Yeah, we've crossed paths before."

Charlotte returned with a china teacup, saucer, small white porcelain teapot, and a Twinnings ginger tea in a small individual packet.

"Here you go," she said as she placed the small wooden tray in front of Winter, laden with the steaming water slowly rising from the teapot's spout.

"I'll take that," Hassan said as he reached across and took hold of the tray.

Winter tilted her head and smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, which one is she?"

Winter subtly nodded towards the conservatory doors towards the gardens. "Black hair stood by the double doors."

"No problem. You can repay me with a drink after we finish," Hassan smirked at Winter as he leaned closer before striding confidently towards Catherine with a grin plastered across his face.

Winter released a relieved sigh that she didn't need to go and face Catherine again as she watched Hassan offer to make Catherine's tea for her. She felt as if Catherine would be able to see straight through her facade of forced indifference if Tom was near them both, which he undoubtedly would be. He surely couldn't stay away from his wife during the wedding celebrations. That would certainly cause whispers between their friends or something, Winter thought.

Tom stood on the other side of the conservatory, hidden by a billowing chiffon curtain, watching the scene play out before him.

He had heard Winter take Catherine's order before she had moved towards the bar, his eyes never leaving Winter's form as she walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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