Chapter 4 - Proximity

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Author Note

Accompanying song

Headlights by James and the Cold Gun


Winter walked into the lecture theatre on time, not soaked in rainwater, chatting to Sarah about their girls' night out plans.

Sarah had helped Winter by washing and drying some of her clothes for her whilst Winter had gone to work the previous night, much to Winters's grateful appreciation of her friend. Sarah had even managed to sort out getting a locksmith out to open Winter's car door so she could get her things out of it.

Winter had promised to pay Sarah back every penny as soon as her student loan had cleared, but Sarah wouldn't take any sort of financial repayment. All she had asked was that Winter go out with her for a girl's night as soon as she could afford it. Of course, Winter had agreed, and they were planning what they would get up to whilst out as they walked into class.

Winter had made sure to get up early today to make a better impression on her Professor than her first encounter with him yesterday. Sarah's words of encouragement had spurred her to do something a little different with her hair today.

Winter's hair was in a loose braid that hung over her shoulder, swaying from side to side as she walked beside Sarah. Winter wore a dark grey hoodie and form-fitting denim jeggings that showed off her legs. She looked radiant with a sense of elegance and comfort today, rather than the frazzled drowned rat she was yesterday. Her rectangular glasses framed her eyes and gave her a sophisticated look. She felt sexier wearing her glasses rather than her contact lenses, giving her a confidence boost as she saw the Professor. Despite her simple outfit, Winter still stood out with how put together she looked today, and Tom immediately took notice.

He couldn't help his eyes following the movement of her legs as he stood at the front of the lecture theatre, greeting the students as they entered through the door. He even had to adjust his glasses as his palms instantly became sweaty, and his heart rate soared like a dandelion seed caught in a breeze as his eyes travelled up her body to meet her eyes.

"Er... Good morning, Winter... How is your... erm... your knee today?" Tom asked, pleasantly trying to hide the nervousness in his voice as he spoke to her.

Winter smiled at him in return, her heart fluttering a little as she looked at him. He wore a dark blue, long-sleeved top pulled taunt across his chest and arms. His hair was a little more unruly today, with the natural curls less tamed down with product than yesterday. He also looked tired, with dark circles just visible under the frame of his glasses.

Winter tilted her head a little as she studied his features briefly before catching herself staring and looked down to drag her eyes away from him.

"It's fine. Thank you. Just bruised."

Tom nodded along as he put his hands in his pockets and watched her as her head lifted to meet his gaze again. He smiled at her, his eyes lingering on hers. They drew him in so quickly, like getting sucked into quicksand as he looked into the deep green abyss.

The images of Winter on her gap year that had kept him up most of the night flashed through his mind as he looked at her now.

"Good... Good..." He paused as his eyes softened, remembering the picture of her looking out to sea as she sat on a rock with her hair blowing in the wind during her time in Italy. Tom wanted to say more, to tell her it was more than just good to know she was alright but noticed Sarah nudge Winter with her arm.

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