Rae + OC: bet u wanna

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{third's POV}

"Holland! I'm so glad you could make it!" Yvonne smiled wide as she brought the girl in for a quick hug. "Tina said you couldn't show."

The white-dye haired girl chuckled sheepishly. "Yeah well I thought the same until my other plans thankfully got canceled. I couldn't miss my streamer's birthday! You don't know how hard I tried to get out of those other plans."

Yvonne and Holland shared a laugh before the shorter of the two stepped aside to let her friend in. They soon joined the rest of the house mates although there were some unfamiliar faces for Holland.

"Oh! Holl, I want you to meet some other friends! The rest of the Roomies, if you will," Yvonne began. "But first, I think you remember her from TwitchCon, this is Leslie."

"Oh my God, I do remember you from TwitchCon! You're the one was late to her own meet-and-greet!" Holland chuckled through her a bright smile. "Good to see you again!"

The two embraced in a side hug. Leslie was the first to break away but still smiled politely back. "Good to see you too, Holland! You didn't have to expose my life story though. I guess I'll let it slide because you are very attractive."

The three friends laughed at the comment. Holland shook her head playfully, a smug smile sprawled on her lips now. "Why thank you, amour, you've got me blushing."

"Goddamn, who are you and why is your accent the sexiest thing I've ever heard?" a new face to Holland broke into the conversation.

"Shut the fuck up, Miyoung, I saw her first, I'm calling dibs," another new voice giggled.

"Will the both of you knock it off?! You sound like children," Leslie feigned seriousness, a giggle giving her mocking away. "Anyway, Holland, this is Rae and Miyoung. Literally, think of them as mother-slash-daughter but also siblings dynamic, if you know what I mean."

Holland couldn't help but to laugh at the pair of friends who were bickering over who could get the Canadian first. She liked them already.

After a few hours had passed, and more drinks were consumed, Holland and Rae found themselves out on the balcony of the Airbnb. Rae had shared a few joints with a couple other of the party goers so she was also pretty far gone. Holland was a lot of drinks in, including shots that she had lost count of after five or six.

The two strangers were, at first, getting to know each other. They found they had a lot of similarities actually; same taste in music, similar likings in movies and streaming platforms like YouTube and Twitch — obviously — and similar childhood upbringings. But soon enough, the alcohol and marijuana were catching up to them and it was starting to hit them.

And boy, did it hit them hard.

Rachell had draped herself in Holland's lap, arms interlocked behind the Canadian's neck. The white haired girl's hands rest gently but hungrily on the smaller girl's waist, getting dangerously close to her rear end.

"Miyoung wasn't kidding when she said that you're really hot," the darker haired girl husked in the younger girl's ear. "And fuck, that accent has me weak."

"You're very beautiful yourself, mon amour," Holland spoke lowly as well.

"Goddamn..." the smaller girl was smitten. "Can I kiss you?"

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