Rae + OC: Strangers

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{Rae's POV}

"How the hell are we supposed to go on a double date if I don't have a date to go with?" I asked the other two as they sat on my bed, giggling at me while I sat at my setup chair. Chat was going nuts with suggestions but I was ignoring them at the moment because I didn't want to hear it from them.

"Ooh ooh I know what to do!" Tina smiled brightly. "Why don't we, while we're out there, we just grab a stranger from another table and ask them if we can sit with them and we can get to know them in addition to seeing about if they'd be your date?"

In pure disbelief, I quirked an eyebrow at this girl. "Tina, do you not know who I am? I hate talking to random strangers! What if they stab me?! What if they try to rob us?! What if—"

"Rae, we will literally do a background check with the stranger beforehand so we can clear them before you come to sit with them," Miyoung said so fast, almost sounding like she was fed up with me. I knew she wasn't though because she was still laughing.

I groaned, knowing that it actually wasn't a bad idea. "I hate that it sounds like a good idea and that I know you would actually do that for me. But why do I even need a date? We're all still friends, I don't mind third wheeling you honestly. Sure, I'll hate it internally but outwardly, I always mask it anyways."

"Eee! I'm so excited now! I'm gonna go get ready!" Tina nearly shrieked. She got up from my bed, pecked Miyoung on the check, and sprinted out of my room faster than we could blink.

"Your girlfriend is actually wild, Miyoung, how do you do it?" I laughed so hard.

"She's cute and she gives me kisses, what can I say?" the Korean answered easily as she stood as well. "We'll probably be ready in twenty or so minutes, depending if Tina wants me to do her hair. We'll come knock on your door when we're done?"

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in. "Sure. I don't know what to wear though. I'll just stare at my closet for fifteen minutes and then get ready in five."

"Whatever works for you, man." Miyoung laughed again as she headed toward my door to exit.

"Don't make out for too long!" I hollered toward her just before she left completely.

Miyoung let out some sort of shocked noise. "We will not!"

I finally let her go so she as well could go get ready. I sighed again and turned toward chat so I could wrap up and say my goodbyes. "Alrighty, chat. As you can tell, I am going off to go find a date for this stupid double date. And for those who didn't know, yes, Miyoung and Tina are dating. They have been for about three months now and I could not be happier for them. They are actually so perfect for each other and even though at first I didn't see it first, I so see it now. They're so cute and it makes me sick but so happy at the same time. Anyways! I gotta go. You can catch us all over on Miyoung's channel, she will be streaming our little outing. I won't say where we're going but it's going to be just a short outing. And it's nothing all that fancy either. So! Tune into Miyoung's channel, we'll see you in a bit! Bye bye!"


{a few hours later, still Rae's POV}

"You two are disgusting now that we're actually out and about," I said jokingly as I held the camera steady so it had the happy couple in the frame.

"What do you mean?! What did we do?" Miyoung cried out.

Tina was latched onto her arm as the two walked in front of me. "You're just jealous that we haven't found you a good stranger yet to be your date! Don't you worry, Rae, we shall find you someone!"

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