Rae + Y/N: Loser, Baby

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{Y/N's POV}

"Y/N! You've been gone for hours, where the hell have you been?!" I heard Rae call out to me as I walked into the living room area.

I rolled my eyes and set my bag down on the nearest coffee table. "I was just out with some friends! It was a coworker's birthday and we went out to a luncheon. I'm shocked you noticed honestly."

Rae looked at me incredulously. "What do you mean?"

I scoffed and plopped myself on the couch. "Please. Like I haven't seen how you and Miyoung have been cavorting around town like you're not the happiest couple ever. It's crazy, I should've seen it sooner."

"Do you seriously think that I'd throw away our relationship that I've worked so hard to get just to cheat on you with my best friend?" Rae didn't sound angry, she sounded more hurt actually.

I now sighed, suddenly feeling bad. "Look, I don't know what happens behind closed doors. Maybe I listen to the internet too much, maybe I see things happening with my own eyes. I love you, Rachell, don't get me wrong, but I don't mind if you've got eyes on someone else. I'd just like to know straight up, ya know?"

"God, you're lucky you're so damn attractive because you are actually a fucking idiot," Rachell sighed as well, sounding defeated. "Y/N, there is nothing going on with me and Miyoung. All of my girlfriends joke about having a crush on me and guess what? They're all straight. And, newsflash, Y/N, if I were to have had something going on with another friend of mine, you would be the first to know. You forget you were my best friend before we started dating. Best friends tell each other literally everything. And I'm telling you right now that there are no feelings between me and Miyoung. I have eyes only for you now and probably forever. So there's no need for this jealousy, I promise you that."

I fell silent, now feeling a new kind of guilt. I cautiously got up from my spot on the couch and made my way toward the streamer. Sheepishly, I held out my hand toward my girlfriend, trying to make peace with the situation. She took my hand and squeezed it tight.

"Rae, I'm sorry," I finally found my voice. "I guess I just let these stupid rumors get the best of me. I know you're the one for me and I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I love you, so freaking much. Ha, I guess I really did get jealous, huh?"

Rachell giggled, a smile finally spreading across her lips. "Yes, you did. I love you beyond words, Y/N. You have nothing to worry about."

"Alright, I'll take your word," I chuckled a little to ease the tension.

The shorter of the two of us rolled her eyes playfully and stepped even closer to give me a kiss on the cheek. "You better."


{Rae's POV}

It's been a few days since Y/N had our little kerfuffle and things thankfully have been much better. She's been a lot more affectionate and I can't complain. While I know it's not just because of our miscommunication, I do think she's trying to make up for it even though she didn't do anything wrong.

"Rachell?" Y/N's soft voice startled me from my thoughts. "Love, shouldn't you be heading to bed?"

I looked at my monitor to see that it was nearly midnight. While I could probably stay up longer, I've got a couple of shoots to film tomorrow. I smiled over toward my girlfriend and motioned for her to come join me to end my stream.

"Yes, I should," I giggled a little. "Sorry, the time got away from me. I haven't played Fortnite in a hot minute and it was really fun."

Y/N chuckled and sat herself in my lap, draping her arms behind my neck. "Well I can't blame you for wanting to play Fortnite. Maybe after your shoots tomorrow, we can play together!"

As I rested my hands on the Y/H/C girl's hips and pulled her closer, I couldn't help the smile she always manages from me. "I would love nothing more."

The slightly younger girl smiled too and pecked my cheek. She wriggled her way to face my stream as we started to wrap it up. "I bet that I'll carry you in our matches."

I gasped dramatically, feigning offense. "There's actually no way you just said that. I always carry you!"

My girlfriend let out a laugh. We went on to playfully bicker some more until I saw Y/N read my chat. She kind of slumped her shoulders and got really quiet all of a sudden. I glanced over her shoulder to see that someone chatted a jab about Y/N's jealousy towards Miyoung. It was rather nasty and I couldn't believe that someone from my chat would say something like that.

"Guys, can you please get that person out of here? We have resolved that problem and that wasn't even supposed to be public consumption anyways," I spoke softly but firmly. "Even if this was anyone else's situation, there is no need to get into our business like that. How would you feel if someone kept negatively teasing your significant other about a one-off misunderstanding? I'm sure you wouldn't like it, so why would we? Please try to keep your negativities to yourself."

I felt Y/N sigh in my arms. "It's alright, Rae. I never let people on the internet's words get to me, it'll be fine. I—"

"Pardon my language, but you son of a bitch, how freaking dare you say such a thing to Rae and Y/N," Miyoung's sudden intrusion made me and my girlfriend jump in my seat. "If I ever see your name ever again in any of our chats, you will be banned and I am not kidding. I would never come in between these love birds and I hope you don't think that lowly of me that I would. And Y/N is for sure meant for Rae, she has proven that a numerous amount of time. Take your stupidity and stay away from us."

I blinked a few times to fully process what just happened. "Wow, Miyoung, that was...really nice of you. Shocking, but definitely nice. Thank you."

Y/N stood from my lap and engulfed Miyoung in a tight hug to which the latter happily accepted.

"Thank you, Miyoung," I heard her mumble against the other girl's neck. "That meant the world to me."

"Of course, Y/N," my best friend reassured my girlfriend. "No one is ruining my favorite ship."

"Aaand with that, the moment is gone," I laughed as I also stood from my seat. "How about we end this stream and we'll unwind before bed?"

We all nodded in agreement. I cut off my stream, I'm sure with some raging chatters. The three of us meandered to the kitchen for a late night snack before we gathered around the table to talk about anything and everything. We shared some laughs, we talked about the obvious, and we talked about what to do if it were to happen again.

Unfortunately, we talked to nearly one in the morning. We decided to turn it in for the night and we retreated to our respective bedrooms. Although, before Y/N headed to the guest room, I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Hey, wanna stay with me tonight?" I offered.

A smile took over her lips and she nodded. "Of course."

We walked into my room and I closed and locked my door. I pulled my girlfriend close and brought my lips to hers. Y/N hummed against my lips and wrapped her arms behind my neck. We soon got entangled with each other and we tumbled onto my bed.

It's safe to say that I will not be well rested for these shoots tomorrow...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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