Chapter 1

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"God I hate maths so much, I have a feeling it wasn't meant for me", Sophia says desperately and I let out a laugh trying to keep it quiet cause of the library we are currently in.

"Come on, it can't be that bad".

"Easy for you to say when it comes easy to you, you have no idea how long I spent trying to solve the problem before I eventually resulted to stalking my crushes insta", Sophia says twirling her cornrow and I let out an eye roll, typical Sophia.

"Well, it was a bit difficult at first, but with the help of my brother, I understood it more".

" Yeah, lucky you, I wish I had that", she says with a whine.

" Well, if you spent half the time you use to stalk guys on insta maybe you would understand it a bit more".

" Yeah yeah, easy for you to say but not everyone was born to be a guru, and besides Master Dike makes it look easy with the examples he gives us in class and it's like a complete different things with our assignment", she says with a groan.

" It's not like maths is my favorite but I try cause I wanna know it better, you should too".

" Abeggiii, stop all these efiko talk jawe, we all know you have the brains and brothers to help out".

" You know you should try better o cause waec is on the way and there's every guarantee we won't sit together ".

" Well, when we get to that bridge we will cross it, but for now, let me be enjoying the luxury of copying from your own", she says with a smile scribbling quickly on her note in order to copy everything before the bell is rung.

" Ehnn, that reminds me, have you heard of the new boy resuming our school on Monday? ", Of course trust Sophia to be interested in anything related to boys.

" Yes I have actually but what surprises me is why everyone is making a buss of it".

" Well, it's been a while we've had a newcomer in our class, and a boy at that, it calls for a mini celebration for all of us you know".

" I just hope you guys don't scare him off".

" Oh, come one, I'm sure he's gonna love the attention, and I sure hope he's cuteee".

" You and I know Darasimi will be the first to show him around if he is".

" Mtchewww, that one abeg abeg, once she's done leeching on him and getting what she wants she will leave him alone".

" Leeching or no leeching, she's gonna wanna mark him as her territory".

" Not if I get to him first", she says with a dreamy smile.

" Oh, come on, you and I know that's just mouth abeg, you won't do it".

" Trust me, I'll shock you this time, just pray the boy is fine then leave the rest to mee".

" Okay, what are you planning to do?, Besides you know Dara won't let you, she'll carry it on her head like crayfish", I say and Sophia lets out a laugh.

" It's time to have a change around here for once".

" If you are this determined towards knowing maths maybe you'll actually know it better".

" Abegii, you focus on your maths and stuff while you leave me to focus on my boysss", Sophia says and I smack my hand on my face before she could say anything more the bell signalling the start of the first period is rung.

"Great, what a perfect way to start the day", she says sarcastically keeping her maths note in her bag, she's always super fast when it comes to matter like this, she hands me back my note saying a thank you with a wide smile and I laugh at her antics.

"Just know that I won't let you copy my assignment next time", I say and she let out a laugh.

"Sure sure, I won't, now come on let's go and endure this torture together", she says dragging me out of the library to our maths class.

So guys, chapter 1 is done and dusted, I hope you all enjoy this chapter 🤭,my apologies if this chapter is not as long as you expected but I'm trying to take it slow for you guys to get settled well with the characters ❤️.

Don't forget to like and comment on how well you loved the chapter ❤️.

Till we meet again, remember to stay safe✌️,I love you all ❤️.

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