Chapter 2

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"Jade, Jade", I turn back to see Amaka skipping towards my direction and I stop to let her catch up, getting to my front, she stopped a few seconds to catch her breath before I asked her,

"Hi, Amaka, hope no problem?"

"Noo, noo, no problem at all, I was wanted to catch you and ask when you'll be less busy for the maths explanation, you know Master Dike asked me to come meet you for further explanation"

"Ohh, yeah yeah that's true, I'm sorry it skipped my mind, umm, when will you be less busy?"

" Anytime you are is fine by me",

" Okay, which do you prefer, break time or after school?"

" Break time is okay"

" Alright, we'll meet by the cafeteria during break by Mama's Ade snack shop then we can finalize the whole thing, how about that? "

" Ohh, that's sounds great, thank you so much Jade, you are a life saver", she says with a smile.

" Ohh, it's fine, I'm glad I could help"

Just then, we see Sophia running towards us like a mad woman, waving her hands like her life depended on it. On getting to us, she starts to pant, resting her hands on her knee to catch her breath.

"What's wrong Sophia, you look like you've seen a ghost", I say surprised.

"Well, it looks like I have actually, Hi Amaka",

"Hi Sophia, umm, Jade, I'll see you at lunch, thanks once again"

" Oh, it's fine"

" Bye",

" Bye", I say with a wave.

"Bye Sophia", Amaka says walking away after Sophia mutters a quick response back to her before straightening up properly.

" Okay, what's wrong with you? "

" I, I, I, remember the new comer I told you about? "

" Hmm"

" Well guess who it is? ", She asks and I shrug in reply which makes her roll her eyes. "You suck at guess game, well it's Femi"

"Soooo" I say back getting annoyed like I'm magically supposed to know who the person is by just hearing the name.

"Mtchewww, you know for someone's who's so smart, you really can be dumb sometimes", she says with an annoyed look.

"Well, how am I supposed to know the person when I haven't even seen him"

"It's Oluwafemii freaking Coker", she says and I feel my eyes pop wanting to fall out of their eye socket, with my heart pumping twice as hard, WHAT DID I JUST HEAR!!.

"I swear if you are just pulling my legs ehnnn", I say trying to see if she will crack.

"Look babe, I know I joke a lot, but this is is real diee, I saw him life and direct, it's Femi in blood and flesh!"

"What, howw, why?",I say growing confused at his sudden appearance and even so at this very school.

"Well, I'm the wrong person to ask cause I'm not him, you should ask him that yourself but all I know is that your long life crush is backkkk!!", She says squealing but the look on my face shut her up immediately.   "Come on now, you know he is and besides he's going to be waiting for you to give him a warm welcome",she says wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"Ohh please, I'm sure he'll have no problem with that when Dara is there", I say biting the inside of my cheek with multiple thoughts ringing in my mind, 'why was he here, why now, what's his mission here', my train of thought is cut short when Sophia speaks up.

"Come on, let's go meet him", she says grabbing my hand to drag me along.

"Ehnn, to go and do what", I say and she gives me a 'Are you kidding me look '.

"Come on joor, let's go jawe, let's go and meet your boyfriend before 'some other you know who' seizes the chance".

Before I can talk any longer, she starts dragging me towards the auditorium I'm guessing that's where Femi is, her grip on my hand is hard that I can't pull out, maybe because she knows I'll probably run away. We get to there and I sight him in the midst of crowd welcoming him, I see him smile shake people when necessary. Of course that's how he is,always lively and free with everyone, typical example of the people's man.

I remember why I became friends with him and even stared crushing on him.

" OMG", have you seen Femi today, he's so hot and dreamyy", Sophia says excitedly bringing me out of my daydream.

"Oh come on, I don't know why you all are so all over him, give him a break, he just arrived for God's sake", I say facepalming myself.

" You should go over and greet him you know ",

" And why would I do that", I say eyeing her weirdly.

"Oh, come on, you guys used to be best of friends you know ",

" Yeah, that was before and it's been a long time he probably doesn't even remember me you know"

"Well, there's only one way to find out, come on ", she says shoving me into his direction, our action is cut short when we see none other that the " OLUWADARASIMI" jumping onto Femi to give him a bone crushing hug making Femi laugh out loud in his masculine voice before she gives him a quick peck.

I turn to look at Sophia, okay WTF just happened!!!!.

Okay, chapter 2 is a wrap and I sure hope you enjoy reading this chapter. Not to worry, I'll be giving a mini glossary of Nigerian words I'll be using in this book so as to not let my foreign readers to also be left out.

Alright, imma let you read and I expect you to vote and comment, this way I know how well you relate with this chapter.

Please note that this chapter is not edited cause I wrote it in a rush so I'm sorry if there are few errors here and there.

Till I come your way again, remember to stay safe 😊 and I love y'all so so much ❤️.

Byeee ✌️

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