Chapter 5

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The students let out an excited groan, quickly packing their books into their bag, ready to jump out of the class any moment from now.

Mrs Abidemi noticing this, let out a chuckle, "I know you all are eager to go for your lunch but I just want to give you guys a quick assignment", she says and we let out a groan,we've already endured this torture enough!.

"Don't worry,I won't take much of your time,all you just have to do is go home, study ahead for our next topic,  assimilate and prepare a summary of the chapter to your own understanding, this assignment will be submitted in our next class, I will also be giving marks for students who impress me with their summary, so I'll endeavor you guys to put in your best effort, wow me with your work, so the chapter of study will be on page 56 (THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY). I'll be expecting it, please do not copy each other I will know if you do, so on that note, you all are dismissed",she says and students rush out of the class before she changes her mind.

" Whew, that must have been the longest after class speech I've ever heard, like bro, just give us a break, eating into our lunch time isn't cool ", Sophia says once we were out of class, making our way to the cafeteria and I let out a laugh.

" She's just trying to raise our spirit this year, maybe she knows that her class is too strict and she wants to give us an easy pass this year"

" Yeah, I totally doubt that and I'm sure the mark she will give us self won't pass 5,we will just be wasting our time, mtchewww ", Sophia says and I laugh.

" Well, look on the bright side, you get to cover the whole topic before next class and you also get free mark for doing that, that's super cool if you ask me"

" Well, easy for you to say na, you are the nerd, this is like bonus mark for people like you, but people like us, it's horror!!!"

" Oh, come on, it's not that bad, I mean all you just have to do is study and wrote what you understand, that's all na"

"You did not hear when she said she will be picking randomly"

"I'm pretty sure that's to ginger people to put in their best work and besides we have till Friday so we have enough time"

Upon hearing that she simles cheekily, resting her arms on my shoulder trying to give me her puppy face.

"And no, I'm not going to work off my butt for you just to come and copy my work"

"Ahhnn, why na"

"Why kini, didn't you hear what she said ni?", I say giving her a dirty glare.

"Oh, come on she won't know"

"Ehnnn, really!!"

"Yes na, I'm an expert at these things, all you just have to do is send it to me on Thursday morning, I'll omit some part, use synonyms when needed and it will be as good as new", she finishes the last part with a proud smile.

"Umm, no thank you, you know the kind of teacher she is, the concept will be the same and she will notice and besides this time, I'll like to see you actually try and do the work yourself", I say giving her a pointed look.

"What if I don't understand?", She says with a whine.

"Then come over to my house before Friday and we'll study together"

"Ehnn, that's sounds better na, I'll probably come tomorrow or Wednesday"

"Na your own, if you like don't come, but if I don't see you before Thursday, forget, you'll have to do it yourself and I'll certainly not allow you copy my work", I say giving her my serious face.

" Don't worry, I'll be there", she says with a cheeky smile. " Anyways, what are you gonna order today?, I think I'm gonna go with-".  Sophia is interrupted halfway when we hear a voice calling our name, we look back and we notice Femi jogging over to us,we pause to let him catch up.

" Hey", He says with a smile after catching up with us.

"Hey lover boyyyy, I thought you have forgotten about us with all the attention you are getting", Sophia says with a tease.

"Ohh, abeg, you know I can't do that, so can I sit with you guys for lunch, I barely know anyone around here"

" Ahhh, what about the boys and Dara?"

" Ohh, the boys have practice ahead of their upcoming match and I'm certainly not sitting with Dara", he says the last part with an eye roll.

Okay shockerrr.

" Ohhh, it's fine, you can sit with us then", I say and he smiles and we resume our walk to the cafeteria with him beside us.

" Ehnn, aren't you supposed to join them in the football team abi you don't play ball again? "

" Ohhhh, I do still very much play but I don't think it's fair, I mean I joined school almost midterm, it won't be fair for me to wanna be racing for a spot on the team when most people there have been there for a while", he finishes with a shrug.

" Awwwn, aren't you a gentleman, I'm pretty sure the guys won't mind and they'll certainly need all the extra hand they can get anddd if I can remember correctly, you are actually a good player, you and Chiké were the perfect duo, I'm sure you'll for perfectly well".

" Thanks Sophia, Chiké also said that, I'll try and tryout next week, I wanna get used to the school self"

" Oh, I'm sure Jade won't have a problem showing you around ", Sophia says with a teasing smile and I know exactly why she said that. I hate you Sophia!!.

" Ohh, I can do that, besides the school hasn't really changed since the last time you left"

" Ohhh, I'll love to have that tour with you whenever you are ready", he says giving me a warm smile and I feel my cheek heat up.

" We are here!!!, So Femi, what will you like to order?",Sophia asks leading us to take our order standing in line with people who want to also order.

"What's on the menu? "

" Well, we have rice, spaghetti, plantain, yam, and fruit juice".

" Hmm, I'll just have spaghetti and fried fish with fruit juice",

" That's still your favorite right? ", I say

" Yes, one and only, you still remembered "

" Oh, of course, it's pretty hard to forget na", I say and he lets out a laugh.

" It's still the best!"

" Hmm, I hear you"

It gets to our turn, Sophia orders fried egg and plantain with juice, I order rice and chicken with juice and Femi also order his, our food is handed to us few minutes after, we then move to find a vacant table, settling down to eat when I remember.

" Ohhh, I almost forgot I promised to meet with Amaka during lunch, I'll be right back",

" Alright, don't take long o or I might be tempted to try your food"

" Don't you dare", I give her a glare," Femi please help me watch over my food "

" Alright sure no problem", he replies with an amused smile and I give them a quick wave, moving quickly to meet up with Amaka so as not to keep her waiting.

Hey guys!!!, Alright don't hate me, I've been ill for a while and I was too weak to write and trust me it wasn't fun for me too,but at least I have a little strength to write something now 😊.

Anyways,how have you guys been?, I hope you love this chapter,I made it a bit long as an apology. So apology accepted right 🤭?.

Don't forget to like,share and comment,give me your thoughts and any improvement you will like but please be constructive in doing that😊.

Remember to stay safe ❤️, till I come your way again,love you ❤️❤️.

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