Chapter 4

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The students echo a resounding "Amen" to the prayer offered by Mrs Bolaji, followed shortly after by the principal making a short announcement and few agenda for the new week. The assembly is finally over and students start trooping out of the auditorium to their respective classes.

Sophia and I decide to stay back a little for the crowd should reduce because there's every tendency that they will be a lot of pushing of students as a struggle to get out, despite the means used by the prefects to try and allow the students go out in an orderly manner without getting injured, most students still derive joy in pushing students and causing chaos, something Sophia and I don't want to be part of, I'll like to go out of the auditorium in one piece.

I notice that Femi is still in the auditorium with the rest of the football team and of course Dara and her bestie are also there, 'of course', I say with an eye roll.

"Go over and talk to him na"

"Are you okay, why would I do that, don't you see the crowd he's in!"

"Sooo, if you know you don't wanna go over then stop staring at him so much, someone might catch you and you know it's rude to stare", she says in a sly singsong manner and I twat her head.

" Abeg, shut up joor"

" Oh please, your words say something and your actions say another thing, are you sure ya not confused sha? ",

" Abeg, abeg, this crowd should reduce jawe let me get to class"

" Oh, come on, you can't go without greeting Femi na"

" Well, I can do that after school and I know I'm the least person he wants to greet"

" Why would you think so?, I mean he was heading over before Chiké came to drag him"

" Hey there", I see Femi in front of us with a warm smile, 'Okay when did he get here, I'm certainly not prepared right now!'.  I notice that he has excused himself from the team and Dara was nowhere in sight, well, that's strange.

" Femi, Femo, hehe, to what do you owe the pleasure of having your attention bayi", Sophia says making Femi laugh, 'God that laugh, is it just me or it just got more nicer, he has changed a bit I mean....'

" Jade!!!!", Sophia shouts bringing me out of my daydream.

" Oh, yeah, sorry, hi Femi", I say unconsciously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

" Oh, you finally know we exist, where did you go before"

" Ohh, abeg, lemme joorr"

" Well hello to you Jade", he says with a sly smile and Goddd I've never liked the way someone calls my name like I do right now.

"Hii, umm, how are you doing?",I mentally facepalm myself, 'Really Jade, i thought you could do better than that gurll".

" Anywayss, this one you remember us bayii, to what do we owe the pleasure? ", Sophia says teasing him.

" Ohh, I'm sorry about that, trust me you guys were the first people I wanted to come greet but.. "

"But sadly, you have to many fans you forgot about us"

" Ahnn, ahnn, Sophia "

" Abeg, I know you will defend him", Sophia says with a glare making Femi let out a soft laugh.

"Alright, Sophia I apologize it wasn't my intention, and I certainly cannot forget about you guys na, you guys are my padi", he says with a smile.

"Nooo, them no even born you well self, I was already preparing to comman drag you by your ear self"

"Omo, you haven't changed you know"

"Before nko, that's what makes me unique na"

"Yes yes, so am I forgiven?"

"Sure, sure, and Jade should be the person ya supposed apologizing to self"

"What, me, why?"

"Abeg, abeg, he hasn't comman greet you since morning na, why won't he comman greet his babe", Sophia says bluntly and I nearly choke on my saliva, I'm pretty sure my eye increased in size.

"Ohhh, right, Jade I'm so so sorry, it certainly wasn't my intention to ignore you, I was actually trying to look for you since I came ", he says with a cute face and I fell my heart do a summersault, he didn't deny me being his babe and he apologized for not greeting me since and he's being looking for me, can this day get any better!!!!!!.

" Ohh, it's fine, I'm sure it's not your fault, you are here now right"

" Ehnnn, how's your sister? "

" Ohh, she's fine, she also sends her regards"

" Awwnnn, I miss her sha"

" Don't worry, you'll see her on Wednesday "

" I can't wait!!, Anyways as much as I love this lovey dovey, we have to get to class, ehnn Femi what do you have now? "

" Well, on my schedule it says Economics"

" Oh great, it's a general subject, ohh I just remembered that Master Benjamin asked me to see him after assembly so I'm just gonna go, I'm sure Jade can show you to class. Seee you in class, byee", she says blowing me a kiss, skipping out of the auditorium before I can object, I know she did this on purpose.

"God that girl is something else", I say with shake of my head.

"She really is, I mean you guys haven't really changed",he says and I turn to look at him.

"Oh really, so is it a bad or good thing?", I say folding my arms together.

"You know it's a good one na", He says and we move out of the auditorium and start to head to class.

"Well, you have changed sha"

"Oh really, is it a good one or a bad one?", He says with raise of his eyebrow.

"Welll, I don't know", I say with shrug of my shoulder. " I think it's a good one,I mean you've grown taller,a bit more muscular and there's just this new aura around you", I conclude and he smiles.

" Ohh, well I'll take it that it's a good change then", he says with a smile.

" If you say so, ehnn how did Dara know you were going to be the new student?"

"Ohh, I told her when we met at a photoshoot"


"Yeah, I'm kinda a part-time model now", he says scratching the back of his head and he looks cute!!!.

"Are you kidding me!!!!!, Wow, that's really huge, that explains the change, that's just, wow, I'm really speechless"

" Oh,come on,it's nothing really serious na"

" You sayy,it is o,you are a model, I mean that's really nice,you've changed o"

" Oh come on,I'm still the same Femi you know,just a little but of changes here and there that's all".

" Well, if you say so, and we are here".

"Well, after you milady", he says with a slight bow opening the door for me.

"Oh thank you my good sire", I say and we both let out a laugh and I enter the class with him trailing after me,I find a seat and I notice he also takes a seat behind me, maybe this isn't going to be so bad after all, I mentally say with a smile. 

Heyo, my 'DOAANG' lovers, another chapter is out again. I dedicate this chapter specially to put number one fan that_rndom_girl,I hope you love this chapter, don't worry, you'll be seeing more of Chiké in upcoming chapters 😉.

And to all my distinguished readers, I hope you also enjoy it.

As always,your votes and comments really make my day,so keep them coming❤️.

Till I come your way again, remember to stay safe ❤️.  Ciao ✌️.

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