Chapter 3

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My eyes grow big and I retreat back to Sophia's position.

"Okay, now I'm confused, when did Dara and Femi become this close"

" I'm just as confused as you are o",I say trying to place everything to make sense.

We then see principal Collins go and meet Femi, exchange pleasantries before he leads Femi away from the crowd towards the front of the auditorium, immediately the bell is rung signalling the start of assembly and I guess our principal is going to introduce Femi to the school formally.

We see students troop into the auditorium in order not to get punished for late coming, Sophia then takes my hand and leads us to the front in order to get a better view.

The chaplain prefects start to go to the front to lead the praise and worship session but is interrupted when principal Collins speaks into the microphone catching everyone's attention with Femi standing by his side.

"Good morning everyone, I have a quick announcement to make", he says making the prefects stop and stand by this side to let him make his announcement "So as you all have heard that we will have a new student today,here he is,I'm sure some of you are familiar with him, this is Femi Coker,he once attended this school but for certain circumstances he had to leave but now he's back,our own begotten son", This makes everyone let out a laugh including Femi himself.

"So please let's make his stay here worthwhile,I'm sure he won't have much of a problem adapting to the school,please let's endeavor to be friendly to him and if possible help show him around for easier access, his younger sister will also be resuming school on Wednesday. I trust we all will do our best and don't forget to be on your best behavior and be productive this new week, do I make myself clear?".

The students answer in a resounding shouts of 'Yes Sir', with that Femi and principle Collins step down from the stage, Femi makes his way into the crowd, shaking few people here and there while maintaining a friendly smile, suddenly our eyes lock and he lets out a smile before starting to head towards where I am and I feel my heart start to pound heavily, he is interrupted when a few guys from the football team start to exchange pleasantries, he gives me an apologetic smile before letting the guys drag him to where I assume is where the rest of the guys are.

Sophia sees my face and rests her hand on my shoulder "Don't worry boo, I'm sure you guys will have plenty of time to chat after assembly"

"It's fine, I'm not even bothered"

"We both know you are trying to convince yourself otherwise but you know the truth, you miss him, cause babe you look like you would murder those guys if given the chance", she says letting out a laugh.

I turn to her in surprise " What are you talking about?"

"Oh please",she says with a wave of her hand, "You looked happy when he was heading towards our direction but your expression changed to that of hate when he was interrupted", she finishes the last part with a smile and I feel really stupid that I let my expression show that much, who knows who else noticed.

Sophia as if sensing my thoughts "Don't worry, no one else saw, I'm just super attentive and your secret is safe with me", she says with a wink.

"Yeah, whatever, it's fine anyways",

"Hmmm, dey play, all I sha know is that Femi also missed you if not more than you miss him self", she says

" You think so? "

" Ohh, come on, he's always looking for you in the crowd and you were the first person he was going to meet, sooo"

"Abi Dara, didn't you see what they both displayed ni?"

"Abeggiii, it's obvious that she was the one who wanted attention, she went to meet him remember and besides it would be rude if Femi snubbed her", she says and I can't deny I felt a little giddy at what Sophia said.

"Don't worry, he'll make it up to your after assembly, and if he doesn't I'll make sure to drag his ear until he does", Sophia says and I let out a laugh, this was one of the reasons why I loved her, always looking out for others and making me smile no matter what.

"Well, I hope so sha"

Before Sophia could say any other thing, an assembly prefect came to caution us to pay attention and participate in the praise and worship. But all along, my mind kept drifting to Femi and what the future holds.

Soo guys, this chapter is done and dusted and as promised, I'll be giving a mini glossary of Nigerian words I used in this chapter so here goes.

ABEGGIII- This is also equal to saying'oh pleasee''.

DEY PLAY- This can be mean different things depending on how it is used, it could mean 'believing a vivid lie' or 'be lying to yourself when you know the truth'.

NI- This doesn't really mean anything in a sentence, it doesn't really change the meaning of the sentence, just gives it a bit of more flair.

ABI- This could also mean different things depending on how it is used in a sentence, it could mean 'right', 'exactly' or sometimes just to also give it a bit of flair.

SHA- It also most time is used to give flair to sentences but most times it means 'just' depending on the sentence it's been used in.

SELF- This is a normal English word but is also used in Nigerian sentences to give it flair, mostly used at the end of sentences.

O- It's also used to give flair to sentences and is mostly accompanied by ABI, just like saying ABI O.

Okay,these are few words I used in this chapter,I hope I was clear enough with the meanings,if you are still confused,you could dm me about it and I'll be glad to explain further and I'm sure you'll get used to it as time goes by ☺️.

Soo, imma let you guys do you, read, like and comment and let's discuss 😁.

Remember to stay safe❤️,I love y'all so much. Till I come your way again, ciao ✌️😘.

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