Chapter 33 - Avalor

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As I watched Phoenix and Draegon from the shadows, I couldn't help but notice the unease that seemed to grip them. My trained eyes detected their heightened senses, the way they moved closer to one another, and the subtle tension that hung in the air. They were aware that someone was watching them, but they couldn't pinpoint the source.

A cruel smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I observed their confusion. The blood wolf's instincts were sharp, and she could sense danger even when it lurked in the shadows. But in this case, it was my intention to remain hidden, to keep them guessing.

The forest held its secrets close, and the faint rustle I had created earlier had served its purpose—to sow doubt and suspicion in their minds. Phoenix and Draegon were left to wonder if their every move was being observed, their senses on high alert, searching for any signs of a threat.

I continued to watch them from my concealed vantage point, relishing the power I held over them. The knowledge that they couldn't discern my presence fueled my sense of control. I had carefully cultivated this situation, manipulating their emotions and exploiting their vulnerabilities.

Phoenix's suspicion had grown into a tangible tension, and Draegon's watchfulness mirrored hers. They were a formidable duo, but they were far from invulnerable. I had witnessed the cracks in their unity, the moments when their primal instincts had betrayed their rational minds.

As the minutes passed, I decided to withdraw silently, leaving them to grapple with the uncertainty of my unseen gaze. It was a game of shadows, and I was the puppeteer pulling the strings. Phoenix and Draegon might have formed a bond, but it was a bond that I intended to unravel, one thread at a time.

With a final, knowing glance in their direction, I slipped deeper into the forest, my presence concealed by the night. The sense of unease I had instilled in them would linger, a constant reminder that they were being watched, their every move scrutinized by an invisible observer.

I would bide my time, continue to sow discord, and exploit the weaknesses I had uncovered. The battle for dominance within the pack had only just begun, and I was determined to emerge victorious.

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