Chapter 35 - Avalor

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The encounter in the forest had left me shaken, my confidence shattered in the face of Phoenix's feral protectiveness and Draegon's unwavering command. The knowledge that they had sensed my presence, even when I thought I was hidden in the shadows, was a chilling revelation.

Back at the den, I retreated to my private chambers, struggling to regain my composure. The blood bond between Phoenix and Draegon was unlike anything I had ever encountered. It was a force that transcended the boundaries of the pack hierarchy, and I found myself wondering if they had glimpsed the truth of my intentions.

My ambition to seize control of the pack had driven me to manipulate the situation, to bring Draegon into the pack as a means to an end. But now, I questioned whether I had underestimated the depth of their connection. It was clear that Phoenix's loyalty to her anchor, her primal need to protect him, superseded her allegiance to the pack's alpha.

As I sat alone in my chambers, a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. The realization that my own schemes might be unraveled by the bond between a blood wolf and her anchor was a bitter pill to swallow. I had not anticipated the strength of their connection, nor the lengths to which Phoenix's wolf would go to protect Draegon.

A sense of foreboding settled over me as I contemplated the uncertain future that lay ahead. The power struggle within the pack had taken an unexpected turn, and I was no longer sure of the path I had set in motion.

In the shadows, I watched as Phoenix and Draegon disappeared into the night, their presence a reminder of the formidable force that now resided within our pack. My ambition remained, but it was tempered by caution and an awareness of the complexities that lay ahead.

The balance of power had shifted, and I would need to tread carefully if I hoped to achieve my goals. The blood bond between Phoenix and Draegon had thrown a wrench into my plans, and I knew that the coming days would test the limits of my cunning and ambition.

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