~I miss you, im sorry~

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~Sam's POV~

Fuck, fuck, fuck where could she be!

She always has her maps on, wait why did i go on maps i need to check find my iPhone lol. What in the world, why is she in the forest. I need to find her and bring her back home, she's lived here for ages and she knows that forest is no good.

"Ur such a bad brother, i hope u understand that. Not even looking for her when she in a fucking suicide forest, wow good going."

"Wait what! She's there?!"

"If u cared soooo much, you'd pick up ur god damn phone and search for her. Ur so careless, also get the fuck out Chelsea or tell him the truth because ur not staying in my house any longer."

"Ok its not like i care i hurt her btw, i hope she kills herself haha!"

If she wasnt a girl id punch her head in, look i know i seem like im protective of Grace but its just she more of a sister to me, not a friend. i sort of feel like shes my responsibility also.

I run to my car and reverse out, i dont care if i get a fine for going over the speed limit. I need to know if shes ok.

~Colbys POV~

Ive messed up, big time. Theres only one other person home and im pretty sure they could help me, Seth.

Knock, knock

'Gracie, is that u?' I hear, i open the door and see him in the corner.

"Oh its u." He says giving me a little bit of a dirty look.

"yeah,Fuck man im going mental. whats wrong with me, now Gracies gone off into a suicide forest and we dont know what could happen to her." I say as i lie back on the bed i was sitting on.

"Look Colby, we should book u in for therapy or something. We dont have time to talk we need to find Grace!"

"Your right, come on!" I say as we run downstairs a hop int my car, reversing out of the driveway. I get Seth to text Sam that we are coming bc dont text n drive, after a few minutes he texted back saying that he could only find her car and everything left inside. But apparently she left a note and Sam sent us a photo..

Dear whoever the hell finds this or looks for me ( Doubt anyone came looking )

So like whats the point on living when ur yelled at all the time? By the time u see this im probs dead, idk but anyways whoever finds this tell my brother 'Colby' I love him and im sorry for whatever i've done and if i could fix it i would. One person id like to say goodbye to the most was Seth, he was such a great friend and we got to know so much about each other. Hes such a nice boy, some of my friends text me asking me why im friends with him but i tell them because he's great. It doesn't matter about his looks or the way he asks, it just the personality and the things in common that we have. Not a day goes by where he's in my mind, i adore him so much and wished that one day ill have enough courage to say i liked him but im so worried that he cant see the same way i do. Also a message to Sam cause he was just like another brother to me, everyday we'd talk for hours except for days where he's editing- Oh shit i was gonna go to England with them, oh well i guess they can bring 'ChELsea' instead cause according to Colby shes sooo much better. Anyways i've had enough goodbye person reading.

Yours truly, Gracie xx

marked 3pm 25/10

"S-she likes me?"

"Yeah duh, have u not seen the way she looks at u, plus ive never seen her so happy with a person shes so close with except me and Sam."

"I thought she did that to everyone, would u even let me date her but?"

"Hmm yeah but if u break her heart ill break ur neck, mkay Borden."

"Yes sir!" He says in an army solders voice, making both of us laugh.

"LETS FIND GRACIEEE!" I scream as we start yelling and cheering.

(Timeskip to the forest brought to u by the reader drinkin white claw :D )

~Seths POV~

Finally Colbys slow ass car got up the hill, but anyways now time to find Gracie.

"Ok she probably went really far in by now so maybe we should start off with running." Sam suggests. All of us start running and it was around abouts 2 miles before stopping to catch our breaths.

"Man its already starting to get dark, im worried about her." I say.

"We'll find her, we always do if she get lost or goes missing on purpose." Colby says.

"So ur telling me she pretty much always does this?!"

"Mhm but she has never ever stepped a foot in this forest, speaking of her how did u feel about the note Sethhhh!" Sam says

"Oh fuck off SAmAnThA!"

"No Sethinaaaa!" We all burst out laughing until we hear a scream, we look at eachother and just nod since im pretty sure the group knew who that was. We literally start sprinting like our lives depended on it and then we see.


She was lying on the ground and by the blood hurdling scream we heard earlier, probably from her, means shes most likely hurt so my first instinct was to run over to her. I start shaking her to see if she'd wake up but shes out cold, her hearts still beating but hardly and only now i just noticed the blood spilled on the ground from her hands and arms.

"Guys call an ambulance, shes got a bunch of blood running out!" I demand to Sam and Colby as one of them whips out their phone calling 911.

"S-set-h?"She barely gets out.

"Grace, ur hurt badly but dont worry the ambulance is coming." I can see shes tired as she falls right back asleep, i lift her up and carry her out with the others following Infront.

~Another time skip cause i can and you guys are probs tired from reading~

"Ok so Mrs Brock, u only have minor injuries that should be better in a week or 2 but just to be sure that nothings wrong we have to keep u here for another few hours ok?" The docter said. Her name was Violet she told Gracie earlier. Colby walks inside the room and Gracies eyes lit up as if she was excited to meet him.


"Im sorry grace i dont know what wrong with me."

"What do u mean, what happened?" She has completly forgotten what happened

I have been working my butt off thinking of how to write this, as i said in an earlier chapter. Ill wrte something then leave it for a bit then relise it doesnt make sense. Anyways ily all and come back for the next chapter

Pretty girl

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