~Cars Outside~

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~Time skip to 4 days later~

~Gracie's POV~

Man i'm still exhausted from the party 2 days ago We arrive at McDonalds, park the car and walk inside. We go up to the register and wait for a worker to come, that's when a particular person comes up to the register.

"Zac, is that u?"

"Wait GRACIE?!"

"Man ive seen so many people from school like Tyrese and stuff but i didnt expect u to show up here."

"Aye why did so many people move here though, literally nothing here except for building and shit."

"Anyways uh can i get a medium iced latte, a hashbrown and large chips. What do u want Seth?"

This guy full on went into his own world, but he manages to say what he wants.

"U got the exact same thing u did when we went late night those times back in Australia."

"I always gotten that same order after 9 years, omg u making me miss Ava, Teleah and shit."

"Fucking hell we had the best late night group!"

"Obviously! By the way whats ur number cause we need to run on about the updates."I say getting my phone out Btw what i mean is like since they havent seen eachother, they are going to update about life if u get what i mean.

We exchange numbers and i pay for the order, get receipt and then wait for the meals.

So a little backstory on Zac is that me, him and a group we were in which was called 'the late night stalkers' because every thursday at our shopping centre it would stay open till 9pm instead of 5 30. Oh yeah forgot to mention that we went to Australia together and he stayed there after i left. So anyways im going to list everyone else who was in that group:

Ava, Evie and Lila H, Teleah, Charli, Ava Q, Ruby, Nick, Lily, Aaron, Riley, Teteehi, Ella and a couple more

Thinking about it makes me go back to all the memories we made, when the police questioned us for vaping ( which we had to hid them so they wouldnt know), when we almost got cause stealing, Teleah almost bashing Amber cause of her talkin shit bout lilys dad who was dead which got us kicked out of the shops, the time a man was gonna back me and Zac for apparently going to 'spill water over him' and fucking loads more. We were such the troublemakers but one girl that was in our group, Evie, i was such good friends with her till the bitch blew it up.

"Orders ready Gra Gra." Zac says in a funny tone to me.

"Hehehe i forgot u and the others called me that, we should get back in contact with them."I giggle.

"We honestly should, but fuck Evie though aye."He says and i hum in agreement, I look over at Seth who looks very left out

"Well anyways me and my boy gotta head off, u gotta eat u know? Get back to work and Also tell Tom and Vicky i said hi." I say.

"Ok see u Gracie, we needa hang out soon queen!" He says in a very sassy voice making me crack up.

I walk out yelling at Zac. "Bye Zac Stallbucka!" And his response was. "Bye Gracie Brock take care babes!" And with that we went separate ways. Seth has been very silent, head down the whole time. Is he ok?

"Seth, r u ok?" I ask, no response.

"Seth whats wrong?" I ask again as we walk next to the car. Still no response.

"Seirously, whats wrong. Please talk to me." I go to hug him but only get pushed off lightly. He hops into the car and just leaves me there questioning what i did, what did i do?

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