~Tek It~

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~Seths POV~

"Are we ready to go guys?!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs while everyone walks down the stairs.

"Gracies got her friends over cause they came back from the land down under." Sam jokingly mentions to me and the rest. He said their names are i think Teleah and Ava, Sams always going on about Ava saying "Shes such a hottie" and other stuff but i respectfully disagree since ive already got someone. Ava seems Like the right person for him, especially since Kat and Him broke up so im pretty sure hes gonna ask her out tonight.

~Gracies POV~

Me, Teleah and Ava look at ourselves in the mirror, theres no way Teleah and Ava arent gonna get laid tonight. Pretty sure Avas got the hots for Sam, she has said he looks handsome asf. I can agree with her ( in a friendship way) but ive got a man so anyway it proves my point she likes him.

"Oi i bet u 10 bucks that Avas gonna get ins with Sam." I say to Teleah.

"Well i bet 20 bucks that u and Seth do the same." She responds proudly.

"Me and him wont u know."

"U never know, a hottie like u can obviously get someone bricked up." She says looking me up and down. Im wearing a long sparkly red dress that has a big side slit on the right. Teleah's wearing a plain teal dress thats very curvy and Ava's wearing a black tube top with jeans. We all head downstairs after our makeups done and my oh my the looks on the boys faces were absolutly priceless.

"God u all look so slay!" I hear someone say as they walk towards us.

"JOHNNIE GUILBY WILBY!!! MY FAVOURITE KIDLET!" I yell attemption to run over to him not trying to trip over in the god damn high heals im wearing. I manage to trip as soon as im about to hug him but he caught me.

"Since when do u go to party's ya vampire?" I question in a funny tone.

"Whenever i hear about a party." He answers.

"Ok everyone ready?!"Colby shouts with a whole room full of 'yes' and 'yes sirs'

~Timeskip to the par TAY~

"Oi Seth, what do?"


"What u doing, me and my friends were just bout to get a drink plus they were wondering if u wanna join."

"Nah ill just go sit outside."

"Ok, if u need me u always know where to find me." I say as I hug him quickly so my friends dont walk to far and i get lost in the crowd.

Me, Ava and Teleah walk to the kitchen to see people pouring drinks. They pour us one and i sniffed it to make sure how strong it is, fucking hell its strong.

"CHEERS!" We yell and everyone looks at us weird.

"Why r they looking at us like that?"Teleah asks me.

"Everyone their new to America, their Australian so be nice!" I yell and they start cheering 'welcome'.

~Timeskip to an hour later~

"Fuck me we takin to much shots aye?" Ava mentions to us.

"Nah its not enough." I say.

"Oh shit Ava look who comin over here." Teleah whistles while Ava leans back against the island with Sam standing over her.

"Come with me." He says holding his hand out.

"Bet." She grabs onto his hand and she smiles at us as we watch her walk off.

"CALLED IT!"I yell.

"SAVA I CALL IT!" Teleah yells a ship name out. We both go to walk outside until someone taps Teleah oh the shoulder.

"Hey uh I saw ur friend making that speech earlier and i thought u were cute, can i get ur number."

"Sure and Im Teleah, U?"

"Im Kye."

"Excuse me Gracie, ill find u soon okay?"

"No worries, ill be outside if u need me." And with that Her and Kye walk off into the crowd. I walk outside and to my surprise the first person i see is the one and only Seth Borden, he picked quite a good spot to hide from the noise.

~Seths POV~

As im sitting in the garden i feel someone put their hand on my shoulder which made me jump until i relised who it was.

"Man all my friends left me to go hook up."

"Thats sad, i assume that Ava and Sam are together at the moment huh?"

"Yep, i called it." I say while lie beside him with my head in his lap.

"U know everyone kept betting money that we would do the same."

"Wow, its all depending if u want to do that."

"Its ur decision also, im respecting ur boundaries." He looks down at me hearing me speak, I can pretty much tell the answer cause the look on his face tells it.

"All good, im falling asleep so im probs gonna sleep rn and wait for Colby or someone to come lookig for me."

"Kk im gonna socialise somehow and ill come back out later, love u." He says before leaving and just like that I fall asleep.

~Next day~

I open my eyes to see i aint in my room but its in the house, i just knew from the smell. I attempt to get up but someones arms are wrapped around my torso and ofcourse, it was lovely Sethiena. No idea why but a song just started playing in my head.

I watch the moon

Let it run my mood

Can't stop thinking of you

I watch you

So long nice to know you I'll be moving on

I smile to myself looking at him face, he looks so calm, so lovable, so gorgeous. While attepting to wriggle out of his grip I see his eyes open.

"Sorry, didnt mean to wake u. go back so sleep." In response i get a hum so thats a yes i guess. I stand up and before leaving i couldnt leave without it, i turn around a kiss the sleeping boy on the head as a goodbye and walk off. How did i get so lucky?

Erm i just ended school feeling either happy or sad idrk. anyways come back when i make the next chapt which idk when cause i hardly use wattpad.

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