~ Cant help falling in love~

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time: 4pm

-Seths POV-

BANG! Awake I come, sweating my ass off with tears down my face and left thinking about the nightmare I had just had. Wait let me run you through it.

~In the dream~



"Fine ill leave." She says with teary eyes walking out of the house, getting in her car and driving down the road. What have I done, I didn't mean what I said, I TAKE IT BACK! I run outside while hopping in my own car and speeding, trying to find where she ended up. After half an hour I pull over trying to call her, she picks up and theres so much wind making it hard to make out what shes saying.


"U said don't come back so im not." I try looking at her surroundings, wait is she on a rooftop?

"A-are u on a roof?!"

"Maybe but why would u even care, u want me gone."

"NO, NO COME DOWN FROM THER-" It cuts off but I look the other way and notice im on a roof, I see Gracie standing at the edge of the building. The air was cold but she looked so calm in a way, she was admiring how the city was below but I have to admit the view was quite nice.

"Grace get away from there please." I say with slight tears falling from my eyes just knowing she doesn't wanna hear me right now.

"I love u so much, from the first day we met I fell in love. Ur eyes, ur smile and ur laugh but its not ment to be." She said while looking straight at my eyes, tears falling from her face. She starts to step back as I run to her but a force stops me.


She stops but smiles at me before my vision flickers and it all turns black.


"Baby, u ok? Ur eyes are watering." I break from the trance and notice Gracies eyes staring at me, I instantly hug the shit out of her while sobbing hardly.

"Stay here, I love you so much Grace and I'm sorry about all the fights we have had and im sorry for putting u in stressing situations and, and-" I get cut of by her lips on mine. I have no idea why but whenever we kiss it just calms me down so much, i should honestly just marry her at this point i swear. We pull apart after a few seconds and she holds both my hands, still staring straight into my eyes.

"Seth ill always be here and i wont ever leave u unless asked, i love u so freaking much that's its so hard to explain and even if we end up fighting sometimes its just what couples do. C'mon lets go for a walk to the beach, im gonna start crying if i keep on this subject." She says with tears in her own eyes, getting up while holding her hand out for me which i gladly took. I actually went shopping the other day for an engagement ring, its in the top draw of my bedroom cabinet so I'm gonna go grab it cause I just wanna be with her for the rest of my life.

~After they get to the beach~

As Gracie was paying attention to the sunset, I bend down on one knee and get the box out of my pocket, she turns around noticing me and instantly starts crying.

"Gracie Brock I know that's ive always said to you how happy I am with you but I have to clarify it again. I love you so much, from the day I met you I just knew I liked you and wanted to be with you forever. I never want to not see your smile, your eyes, hearing your laugh and the way you talk. Will you marry me?" I say with tears in my own eyes.

"YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES SETH I FUCKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" She says balling her eyes out in happy tears while tacking me to the ground in an affectionate kiss. Im so glad that she said yes because I just love her so much and wish to be with her forever.

~A couple months later~

Gracies POV~

As im walking down the isle I look from right to left filled with so many loved ones and I turn my attention back to the middle where the bridesmades, groomsmen and my fiancé. I stand right next to Seth.

~After the officant says all the bloody wedding things are supposed to say~

"Do you Seth Borden take Gracie Brock as your beloved wife."

"I do." He says looking at me.

"Do you Gracie Brock, take Seth Borden as your beloved husband."

"I do." I say looking at Seth with a big smile on both our faces.

"You may now kiss the bride." He says as Seth puts his arm around my waist, kiss me very passionately. This felt more different than anytime we have kissed because I now get to call him my husband. In the backround I can hardly hear the music since my attention was all on him.

Wise men say, "Only fools rush in"

But I can't help

Falling in love with you

Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?

If I can't help

Falling in love with you?

Like a river flows, Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes, Some things are meant to be

Take my hand

Take my whole life too

For I can't help

Falling in love with you...

Fucking hell writing this finally chapter made my bawl my eyes out honestly. I'm sorry for leaving u all but I was focusing on my mental health and I made 3 other stories, one of Sam and the others are Tokio hotel ones which have hardly any reads on them but ehhh.

I loved seeing these to have so many fun stories together but that must come to an end since they have a baby girl named Letty on the way, Yep a baby which no one would have seen coming.

Anyways love you guys and ill miss u

LuLu xoxo

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