First day of Highschool Part 1

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On the bus Rue wear's sunglasses as she sleeps and everyone Infront of her is talking as she listen's she begins to narrate.

RUE(V.O): Sometimes, when i get really high, I kind of think I'm psychic.

As the bus begins to darken a keyhole appears and a young boy looks through it and inserts the key inside it and unlocks it.

RUE(V.O): When Nate was 11 years old, he found his dad's porn collection. his dad, Cal, was obsessive. His mom always said that's who he got it from. Then he quickly realized that the colored cases and placement were no accident. It was an elaborate code, one to ensure that no one fucked with his shit.

As the videos begin to play Nate watches as he fucks both men and women in different positions but it was all done in the same motel room that Cal would be in with Jules years from now.

RUE(V.O): Every video was basically the same. They'd drink, make small talk...and then his dad would fuck some shit out of some...

CAL(VIDEO): Fucking whore. Fucken slut.

As Nate watches he hears the door slam and relises his dad is home and begins panting as he hears the foot steps he quickly turns off the video and quickly put's the cases in the order they were in previously. Nate then leaves the room and hide's under the covers but after a few minuets go by Cal walks into Nate's room and sits on the side of his bed.

CAL: I wanna talk to you.

Nate lifts the cover's to see his dad on the edge looking into the distance not even giving him a side eye's glance.

CAL: You're a strong man, Nathaniel. I knew it from the moment you were born. You have an...iron will, drive, determination. I've always admired that in you. Because some day, it will lead you into greatness.

Nate doesn't change but his eyes say that he's clearly moved by his father's words, Cal then touches Nate's face for a moment having a father son moment but then speaks again.

CAL: But no one in this world will ever root for you. They'll see what i see and they'll despise you for it. Sometimes you'll know, and sometimes you won't. But the farther you go, the sharper their blade. (whispers) Just don't ever give them an opening.

Cal then turns off the light in his son's room leavening Nate is left to think on his dad's words as he sleeps. Nate is then see lifting weight's and doing different kinds of lifting styles.

(Play song here)

RUE(V.O): By 12, he had adopted a rigid diet and workout schedule. within a year, his total body fat dropped from 23% to 6%.

Young Nate then look in the mirror and looks at what is body is now and roars as he looks. He then dips his face in water and comes out as his current body and age as he dose pull ups and roars again but this time louder. Nate is then shown to be in a huddling circle in foot ball gear and getting ready to play the game.

RUE(V.O): He joined the football team as a fredicks hangshman and quickly excelled. By the year's end, he was not only the star quarterback, but the team captain.

Nate is then playing a big game with a massive crowd and dad watching eagerly.

CAL: Keep it together, Nate, Stay focused.

Nate then cheers his team as they make the touchdown and the crowd roars and Cal nods in approval as Nate is receiving praise from the team, cheerleaders, and the crowd thunderous applauds.

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